Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 44 54.5

line true false branch
77 0 66 if $DEBUG
86 0 6 if ($words =~ /(.+)\b$Exp_pat\b(.+)/) { }
91 0 0 if defined $num1
96 2 4 unless defined $num1
109 0 6 if ($words =~ /^[\s\t]*$Neg_pat\b(.+)/) { }
112 0 0 unless defined $num1
118 2 4 unless defined $num1
131 0 6 if ($words =~ /(.+)\b$Dec_pat\b(.+)/) { }
135 0 0 if defined $num1
141 2 4 unless defined $num1
157 2 4 if defined $words[0] and $words[0] eq 'ERR'
161 8 6 if (defined $Digits{$w}) { }
0 6 elsif ($w eq 'belas') { }
164 8 0 unless ($seen_digits and do { push @nums, 10 * pop(@nums) + $Digits{$w} })
169 0 0 unless $seen_digits
176 0 6 unless @nums
182 4 2 if ($aa > $Mults{$w})
202 0 0 if defined $words[0] and $words[0] eq 'ERR'
207 0 0 unless defined $Digits{$w}
224 2 12 if ($w =~ /^se(.+)$/ and defined $Words{$1}) { }
0 12 elsif ($w =~ /^(.+)(belas|puluh|ratus|ribu|juta|mil[iy]ard?|tril[iy]un)$/ and defined $Words{$1}) { }
10 2 elsif (defined $Words{$w}) { }