Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 70 95.7

line true false branch
55 2 29 if $num =~ /^[+-]0+$/sx
56 0 29 unless defined $num and length $num
57 3 26 unless $num =~ /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/sx
60 1 25 if $int and length $int > 66 or $frac and length $frac > 66
64 3 22 $plusmin eq $minus ? :
65 9 16 if ($num =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/x) { }
66 7 2 if (_frac2hu($2)) { }
75 0 21 unless defined $num and length $num
76 2 19 unless $num =~ /^\d+$/sx
78 1 18 if length $num > 66
80 1 17 if $num =~ /^0+$/sx
87 52 49 if $dig{$num}
89 6 43 if ($num =~ /^(\d)(\d)$/x) { }
22 21 elsif ($num =~ /^(\d)(\d\d)$/x) { }
5 16 elsif ($num <= 2000 and $num =~ /^1(\d\d\d)$/x) { }
8 8 elsif ($num =~ /^(\d{1,3})((?:000){1,2})$/x) { }
93 11 11 $hun eq '1' && !$recur ? :
94 9 13 if $end eq '00'
97 2 3 if $1 eq '000'
100 6 2 length $2 == 3 ? :
113 1 7 if ($num =~ /001(\d{3})$/x)
121 14 21 if $part
126 1 14 $parts[$_][1] > 8 ? :
139 2 14 if $num eq $empty
140 8 6 if ($place < 3) { }
141 4 4 $place == 1 ? :
145 4 2 if $place % 3
156 6 21 if $ord{$num}
157 5 16 if ($num =~ /^(\d)(\d)$/x) { }
6 10 elsif ($num =~ /^(\d)(\d\d)$/x) { }
5 5 elsif ($num =~ /^(\d+?)((?:000)+)$/x) { }
1 4 elsif ($num =~ /^1(\d\d\d)$/x) { }
4 0 elsif ($num =~ /^(\d+)(\d\d\d)$/x) { }
160 1 5 if ($2 eq '00') { }
163 1 4 if ($1 eq '1' and $2 eq '000') { }