Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 30 90.0

line true false branch
72 0 15 unless @numbers
76 0 15 wantarray ? :
86 10 15 if ($number % 100 < 20) { }
102 8 17 if (int $number == 0)
104 3 14 if (int $number == 1) { }
118 2 13 if $number == 0
121 2 11 if ($number < 0)
134 25 1299 if ($n != 0)
136 1 24 if ($s =~ /\s*un\s*/ and $place == 1) { }
140 11 13 if ($place == 0)
141 1 10 if ($s =~ /cent\s*$/ and not $s =~ /^\s*cent/) { }
150 2 22 if ($place > 0 and $plural_possible)
151 2 0 if (not $s =~ /^\s*un/) { }
160 1 23 unless defined $major[$place]
172 3 9 $plural_form ? :