Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 54 79.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
115 134 0 32 $len == 7 and $extra_digits == 1
119 44 78 44 $len <= 8 and $len >= 7
122 4 40 $len <= 8 and $len >= 7 and $whats_left != 0
82 18 22 $len <= 8 and $len >= 7 and $whats_left != 0 and not reverse($num) =~ /^[^0]000/
131 50 2 26 $hundreds != 0 and $tens == 0
52 8 18 $hundreds != 0 and $tens == 0 and $units == 0
10 50 0 $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units
30 4 16 $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units and not $num =~ /^0/
14 2 28 $thousands == 0 and $hundreds == 0
16 28 0 $thousands == 0 and $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
88 1 0 312 $num > 999999999999 or $num < 0
131 4 16 30 $tens || $units
18 0 60 $hundreds != 0 and $tens == 0 and $units == 0 or $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units and not $num =~ /^0/
2 0 26 $tens || $units
16 0 44 $hundreds != 0 and $tens == 0 and $units == 0 or $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units and not $num =~ /^0/ or $thousands == 0 and $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units
164 0 0 352 $num > 999 or $num < 0
183 10 18 0 $tens or $units
235 0 1 156 $num < 0 or $num > 999999999999