Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 56 85.7

line true false branch
76 0 318 unless defined $_[0]
83 5 313 unless ($num =~ /^\d+$/)
88 1 312 if ($num > 999999999999 or $num < 0)
94 2 310 if $num == 0
95 70 240 if $Lingua::EU::Numbers::num2alpha{$num}
107 112 54 unless $extra_digits == 1
112 100 66 unless $num =~ /000$/
115 32 134 if $len == 7 and $extra_digits == 1
119 22 22 if ($len <= 8 and $len >= 7 and $whats_left != 0 and not reverse($num) =~ /^[^0]000/)
127 78 88 if (length $num <= 6)
131 18 26 if ($hundreds != 0 and $tens == 0 and $units == 0 or $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units and not $num =~ /^0/ or $thousands == 0 and $hundreds == 0 and $tens || $units)
147 240 0 if ($len <= 3)
164 0 352 if $num > 999 or $num < 0
165 96 256 if $num == 0
166 42 214 if $Lingua::EU::Numbers::num2alpha{$num}
171 152 62 if ($len == 2)
178 62 0 if ($len == 3)
180 28 34 unless ($hundreds == 0)
183 28 0 if $tens or $units
204 0 214 if $num == 0
206 22 192 if $Lingua::EU::Numbers::num2alpha{$num}
208 38 154 unless $diz
211 80 74 if ($diz =~ /[3579]/)
217 154 0 if ($unit) { }
229 0 162 unless defined $_[0]
234 5 157 unless $num =~ /^\d+$/
235 1 156 if $num < 0 or $num > 999999999999
236 1 155 if $num == 1