Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 50 58.0

line true false branch
217 2 0 if ($tag eq 'American' or $tag eq 'British') { }
221 0 0 if $tag
235 5 1 if ($number) { }
263 0 2 if ($numberString =~ /^-/)
268 2 0 if (length $numberString > 1)
274 0 2 if ($numberString =~ /(^.+)\Q$Lingua::ENG::Numbers::INPUT_DECIMAL_DELIMITER{$Lingua::ENG::Numbers::MODE}\E(.+$)/) { }
281 0 2 if ($number =~ /\D/)
284 0 2 if ($decimal and $decimal =~ /\D/)
297 0 2 unless (defined $number)
316 2 0 if (defined $number)
331 3 3 if ($number >= 100)
337 3 3 if ($number >= 20) { }
341 2 1 if ($ones) { }
364 0 4 unless (defined $class and $class)
371 0 4 if (@initializer)
384 0 2 unless (defined $self and $self)
388 0 2 unless (defined $block and $block)
417 0 4 if ($numberString and $numberString =~ /\A\d+\.?\d*?e\+\d+\z/msx)
421 1 2 if not defined $numberString && $numberString =~ /\A\d+\z/msx or $numberString < 0 or $numberString >= 5345529420184392 * 2**167
427 0 2 unless (defined $self and $self)
437 2 0 if (defined $number and length $number > 0)
442 0 2 if (defined $decimal and $decimal)
455 0 2 unless (defined $self and $self)
462 0 2 if ($$self{'string_data'}{'decimal'})
467 0 2 if ($$self{'string_data'}{'sign'})