Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 76 97.3

line true false branch
96 399 3 unless defined $is_plural
100 4 398 if ($noun =~ /^(?:people|person)\z/i) { }
4 394 elsif ($noun =~ /^hero(?:es)?\z/i) { }
1 393 elsif ($want_singular and lc $noun eq 'aliases') { }
1 392 elsif ($want_singular and lc $noun eq 'statuses') { }
4 388 elsif (lc $noun eq 'belongs') { }
2 386 elsif ($want_plural and lc $noun eq 'two') { }
2 384 elsif ($noun =~ /^[A-Z].+ity\z/) { }
2 382 elsif ($noun =~ /^[A-Z].+ities\z/) { }
101 2 2 $want_singular ? :
104 2 2 $want_singular ? :
119 1 1 $want_plural ? :
122 1 1 $want_plural ? :
125 61 321 if ($want_plural and not $is_plural) { }
43 439 elsif ($want_singular and $is_plural) { }
140 2 371 if ($phrase eq 'a')
141 1 1 $want_singular ? :
155 870 243 if defined $_
112 259 if (grep({length $_ if defined $_;} $number, $pad, $rest) == 3) { }
160 32 80 if ($number =~ /^\s*1(?:\.0*[Ee]?0*)?\z/ and not $tagged_rest =~ m[^(?:\S+/CC|\d)]) { }
176 72 299 if (my($det, $number, $conj, $and_zero, $pad, $rest) = $tagged =~ m[ ^ (\s* \S+/DET)? (\s* (?:one|single))/(?:JJ|NN|CD)\b (\s*\S+/CC\b)? (?:(\s* (?:no|zero))/(?:DET|CD))? (\s*) (.*) ]x) { }
68 231 elsif ($tagged =~ m[^\s*(?:(\S+)/DET)?] and substr($phrase, $+[1] || 0) =~ /^\s*$Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::number_re/) { }
189 4 68 if (length $conj and not $and_zero) { }
64 4 elsif (length $rest) { }
205 56 12 unless (is_ordinal($number))
216 44 12 if (length $rest)
228 365 6 if (($noun) = $tagged =~ /$MAYBE_NOUN (?! .* $MAYBE_NOUN_TAG .* $PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG) .* $PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG/x or ($noun) = $tagged =~ /$MAYBE_NOUN (?!.*$MAYBE_NOUN_TAG)/x or ($noun) = $tagged =~ /$NOUN_OR_VERB (?!.*$NOUN_OR_VERB_TAG .* $PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG) .* $PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG/x or ($noun) = $tagged =~ /$NOUN_OR_VERB (?! .* $NOUN_OR_VERB_TAG)/x) { }
251 2 363 if (not $verb || $prefer_nouns and $tagger->get_readable(_inflect_noun($noun, 1, 0)) =~ /$VERB_TAG/)
255 2 0 if (my($preceding_noun) = substr($tagged, 0, $pos[0]) =~ /$MAYBE_NOUN\s*\z/)
266 35 330 if ($verb)
269 31 4 if ($prefer_nouns) { }
2 2 elsif ($inflected_noun) { }
270 7 24 if ($tagger->get_readable($plural_verb) =~ /$MAYBE_NOUN/ or $verb eq $plural_verb and $tagger->get_readable(_inflect_noun($verb, 1)) =~ /$MAYBE_NOUN/ and substr($tagged, $verb_pos[1]) =~ m[^\s*/VB\s*$])
283 1 1 if ($want_plural) { }
1 0 elsif ($want_singular) { }
295 87 278 if $inflected_noun
303 2 4 if ($want_plural and $number ne 'p') { }
1 4 elsif ($want_singular and $number ne 's') { }