Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 100 62.0

line true false branch
36 0 1 @_ ? :
38 0 2 /^:all$/i ? :
41 0 2 unless $exported_sub =~ /^(?:get_|extract_)/ and $impl
123 170 10544 if ($pronoun)
124 21 149 $in_parens ? :
21 149 $in_parens ? :
145 145 6279 $+{'root'} ? :
6424 0 $+{'alts'} ? :
112 6424 $+{'star'} ? :
4 6536 $+{'double_star'} ? :
4 6540 $+{'y_s'} ? :
2 6544 $+{'y_star'} ? :
4 6546 $+{'ch_star'} ? :
115 6550 $+{'e_star'} ? :
157 6665 3947 @inflexions ? :
169 0 1 unless @ARGV
178 9 637 if $next_line =~ / \A \h* [#] /msx
181 208 429 if ($next_line =~ /\A \h* \Z/msx)
205 0 429 unless (defined $term)
214 422 7 if ($defn =~ /\S/)
231 5 204 unless @{$$term_set{'terms'};}
251 752 125 unless ($silent)
269 192 4 unless $verb =~ s/ie$/y/ or $verb =~ s/ue$/u/ or $verb =~ s/([auy])e$/$1/ or $verb =~ s/ski$/ski/ or $verb =~ s/[^b]i$// or $verb =~ s/^(are|were)$/be/ or $verb =~ s/^(had)$/hav/ or $verb =~ s/(hoe)$/$1/ or $verb =~ s/([^e])e$/$1/ or $verb =~ /er$/ or $verb =~ /open$/
289 249 1 $pres ne $third ? :
77 173 $past ne $pastp ? :
249 1 $third ne $pres ? :
77 173 $past ne $pastp ? :
368 5 14 if ($modifier)
389 0 1 unless @ARGV
400 268 7398 if $next_line =~ /\A \h* (?: [#] | \Z )/msx
403 2316 5082 if ($next_line =~ /\A \h* ===\S* \h* (.*?) \h* \S*===.* \Z /msx)
404 1 2315 $last_was_explanation ? :
411 250 4832 if ($next_line =~ /\A\h* \h* (?\S+) \h* (?\S+) \h* (?\S+) \h* (?\S+)/msx)
417 19 4813 if ($next_line =~ /\A\h* \S+) \h*)?> \h* (?\S+) /msx)
433 0 4813 unless defined $error
482 0 0 unless (exists $cautions_cache{$text})
496 0 0 unless (exists $errors_cache{$text})
542 0 0 if (defined $col)
544 0 0 unless $text =~ /( \A (?: [^\n]* \n){$index_or_line} [^\n]{$col} )/msx
555 0 0 if ($findex <= $index_or_line and $index_or_line <= $tindex and $findex != (${$prev_findex_ref;} // -1)) { }
0 0 elsif ($findex > $index_or_line) { }
557 0 0 wantarray ? :
564 0 0 wantarray ? :
590 0 0 if (@regexes and length($regexes[-1]) + length($alternative) + 10 < $VIM_REGEX_MAX_LEN) { }
683 0 0 $term =~ /\A (\S+) \s+ \1 \z/imsx ? :
727 0 0 unless defined $suggested
735 0 0 unless defined $suggested
743 0 0 unless defined $suggested
746 0 0 $b eq $target ? :
0 0 $a eq $target ? :