Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 32 56.2

line true false branch
292 0 0 unless ($accumulate)
300 0 0 unless (-T $file_name and -s $file_name)
332 1 0 unless ($accumulate)
337 0 1 unless ($block)
354 1 0 if (defined $sentences)
449 0 0 if ($text->{'unique_words'}) { }
469 0 0 if $text->{'file_name'}
526 6 3 if ($one_line =~ /\w/) { }
2 1 elsif ($one_line eq '') { }
1 0 elsif ($one_line =~ /^\W+$/) { }
532 2 4 unless ($in_paragraph)
572 2 55 unless $one_word =~ /[aeiouy]/i
575 1 54 if ($one_word =~ /-/)
577 1 0 unless $one_word =~ /[a-z]{2,}-[a-z]{2,}/i
591 4 50 if ($num_syllables_current_word > 2 and not $one_word =~ /-/)
606 1 0 if ($text->{'num_sentences'} and $text->{'num_words'}) { }