Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 50 86.0

line true false branch
28 1 1 if defined $handler
45 6 17 unless (defined $$self{'dbh'})
50 6 0 unless -e $filename
64 4 109 unless @$homonyms
70 9 113 if $$_[2] =~ /$prevpos/
71 2 120 if $$_[2] eq 'g' and $word =~ /^[A-Z]/
72 2 120 if $$_[2] eq 'h' and $word =~ /^[a-z]/
83 13 96 if scalar @$homonyms > 1
90 23 139 if $literal eq ''
92 24 115 if (@result and $result[-1]{'bank'} eq 'L') { }
107 113 28 if @splittext
110 21 22 if @texts
113 23 0 if wantarray
127 1 4 unless (defined $$self{'map'})
149 58 24 if defined $$self{'map'}{$char}
193 9 18 if (not $tag or $toplevel_tags{$tag}) { }
198 31 8 if ($want_tag != $is_tag)
204 0 9 if ($flags{'titles'}) { }
208 0 0 if (defined $$detail{'src'} and not $entity) { }
239 1 4 if $attr eq '/'
241 2 2 if $text_attrs{$attr}
245 1 12 if $$attrs{'/'}
248 0 0 if ($tag eq 'meta' and lc $$attrs{'name'} eq 'generator' and lc $$attrs{'content'} eq lc $generator_name)
261 1 11 if ($tag eq 'head' and not $generator_seen)
286 6 1 if defined $$self{'sth'}