Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 268 534 50.1

line true false branch
255 12 0 if (scalar @_ == 2) { }
317 2 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
325 0 2 unless (defined $replacements_text_to_import)
328 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
339 0 2 unless ($replacements_text_to_import =~ /[^ ]/)
341 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
384 6 0 if ($text_including_comment_end =~ m[^(.*?\-\-+[\*/])(.*)$])
407 1 871 if ($input_string =~ /^ *$/) { }
0 871 elsif ($input_string eq 'define-begin') { }
2 869 elsif ($input_string eq 'dashrep-definitions-begin' or $input_string eq 'dashrep-definitions-end') { }
127 742 elsif ($input_string eq 'define-end' or $input_string =~ /^---+$/) { }
127 615 elsif ($definition_name eq '') { }
615 0 elsif ($input_string ne '') { }
440 113 14 if ($definition_value =~ /[^ \n\r]/) { }
462 0 127 unless ($definition_name =~ /\-/)
479 0 615 if ($input_string eq $definition_name) { }
485 502 113 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{$definition_name} ne '')
540 39 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
554 36 3 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$phrase_name} and $global_dashrep_replacement{$phrase_name} =~ /[^ ]/) { }
597 0 3 if (scalar @_ != 0)
637 1 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
697 1 0 if (scalar @_ == 0) { }
794 99 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
817 98 1 if ($supplied_text =~ /^ *([^\- ]+-[^ ]*[^\- ]) *$/)
820 68 30 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$supplied_text} and $global_dashrep_replacement{$supplied_text} =~ /[^ ]/)
838 0 99 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-endless-loop-counter-limit'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
841 0 0 if ($possible_new_limit != $global_endless_loop_counter_limit and $possible_new_limit > 1000)
844 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $replacement_text =~ /[^ ]/)
861 0 247 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $replacement_text =~ /[^ ]/)
872 148 99 if ($replacement_text =~ /^(.*?)\[\-([^\[\]]*)\-\](.*)$/)
881 0 148 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $text_parameter_content =~ /[^ ]/)
891 86 62 if (not $text_parameter_content =~ / / and exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$text_parameter_content}) { }
28 34 elsif ($text_parameter_content =~ /^ *([^ \n\:=]+) *= *([^ \n\:=]+) *$/) { }
0 34 elsif ($text_parameter_content =~ /^append-from-phrase-to-phrase *: *([^\n\:=]*) +([^\n\:=]*)$/) { }
6 28 elsif ($text_parameter_content =~ /^(yes-or-no-first-number-((equals)|(greater-than)|(less-than))-second-number) *: *([0-9\,]+) +([0-9\,]+)$/) { }
25 3 elsif ($text_parameter_content =~ /^([^ \n\:=]+-[^ \n\:=]+) *[: ] *([^\n\:=]*)$/) { }
894 86 0 if ($text_parameter =~ /[^ ]/) { }
899 0 86 if ($text_parameter_content =~ /^auto-increment-/)
926 28 0 if (length $text_parameter_name > 0)
933 0 28 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $text_parameter_name =~ /[^ ]/)
948 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
968 1 5 if ($comparison_type eq 'equals' and $first_number == $second_number) { }
1 4 elsif ($comparison_type eq 'greater-than' and $first_number > $second_number) { }
1 3 elsif ($comparison_type eq 'less-than' and $first_number < $second_number) { }
981 0 6 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1000 0 25 if ($object_of_action =~ /^([^ ]+) +(.+)$/)
1006 0 25 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $action_name =~ /[^ ]/)
1016 1 24 if ($action_name eq 'first-item-in-list') { }
1 23 elsif ($action_name eq 'last-item-in-list') { }
3 20 elsif ($action_name eq 'count-of-list') { }
3 17 elsif ($action_name eq 'zero-one-multiple-count-of-list') { }
3 14 elsif ($action_name eq 'zero-one-multiple') { }
2 12 elsif ($action_name eq 'empty-or-nonempty') { }
0 12 elsif ($action_name eq 'empty-or-nonempty-phrase') { }
3 9 elsif ($action_name eq 'same-or-not-same') { }
1 8 elsif ($action_name eq 'sort-numbers') { }
3 5 elsif ($action_name eq 'unique-value') { }
3 2 elsif ($action_name eq 'auto-increment') { }
2 0 elsif ($action_name eq 'create-list-named') { }
0 0 elsif ($action_name eq 'insert-phrase-with-brackets-after-next-top-line') { }
1021 1 0 if ($count > 0)
1037 1 0 if ($count > 0)
1050 2 1 if ($object_of_action =~ /[^ ]/) { }
1054 2 0 if ($count > 0) { }
1074 2 1 if ($object_of_action =~ /[^ ]/) { }
1078 0 2 if ($count == 0) { }
1 1 elsif ($count == 1) { }
1 0 elsif ($count > 1) { }
1101 1 2 if ($object_of_action + 0 <= 0) { }
1 1 elsif ($object_of_action + 0 == 1) { }
1120 1 1 if ($object_of_action =~ /[^ \n\t]/) { }
1137 0 0 if ($object_of_action =~ /[^ \n\t]/)
1139 0 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$object_of_action})
1141 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{$object_of_action} =~ /[^ \n\t]/)
1160 1 2 if ($string_beginning eq $string_end) { }
1176 1 0 if ($object_of_action =~ /[1-9]/) { }
1205 2 1 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$object_of_action}) { }
1221 2 1 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$object_of_action}) { }
1251 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1266 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $action_name =~ /[^ ]/)
1290 0 148 if ($global_endless_loop_counter > $global_endless_loop_counter_limit)
1388 3 10 if (exists $already_generated_list_named{$list_name})
1390 3 0 if ($already_generated_list_named{$list_name} == $global_true)
1402 10 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'parameter-name-for-list-named-' . $list_name}) { }
1408 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1420 1 9 unless (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'prefix-for-list-named-' . $list_name})
1426 1 9 unless (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'separator-for-list-named-' . $list_name})
1432 1 9 unless (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'suffix-for-list-named-' . $list_name})
1458 0 10 if ($#list_of_parameters < 0) { }
1460 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1494 40 10 if ($pointer < $#list_of_parameters)
1504 0 50 if ($global_endless_loop_counter > $global_endless_loop_counter_limit)
1596 10 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
1630 0 297 if ($global_endless_loop_counter > $global_endless_loop_counter_limit)
1645 1 296 if ($current_item eq '')
1657 25 271 if ($current_item =~ /^ *([^ ]+)[ \n\r]+(.*)$/)
1661 25 0 if ($remainder =~ /[^ ]/)
1678 75 196 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$current_item})
1681 69 6 if ($replacement_item =~ /[^ ]/)
1752 26 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
1760 1 25 unless ($expanded_string =~ /[^ ]/)
1772 10 15 if ($expanded_string =~ /^ *([^ \[\]]+-[^ \[\]]+) *$/)
1775 1 9 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$phrase_name})
1788 13 12 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-ignore-level'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
1800 7 18 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-capture-level'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
1811 0 25 if ($global_ignore_level > 0 and $global_capture_level > 0)
1827 1 24 if ($global_ignore_level > 0 and not $remaining_string =~ /((ignore-begin-here)|(ignore-end-here))/is)
1829 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-ignore-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1832 0 0 if ($remaining_string =~ /[^ ]/)
1846 2 2 if ($global_ignore_level > 0) { }
1848 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-ignore-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1851 0 0 if ($remaining_string =~ /[^ ]/)
1861 2 2 if ($ignore_directive eq 'ignore-begin-here') { }
2 0 elsif ($ignore_directive eq 'ignore-end-here') { }
1863 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-ignore-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1871 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-ignore-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1890 1 24 if ($global_capture_level > 0 and not $remaining_string =~ /((capture-begin-here)|(capture-end-here))/is)
1893 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-capture-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1896 0 0 if ($remaining_string =~ /[^ ]/)
1910 2 2 if ($global_capture_level > 0) { }
1913 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-capture-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1916 0 0 if ($remaining_string =~ /[^ ]/)
1926 2 2 if ($capture_directive eq 'capture-begin-here') { }
2 0 elsif ($capture_directive eq 'capture-end-here') { }
1929 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-capture-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
1937 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-capture-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2063 9 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
2077 0 9 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2159 3 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
2196 0 3 if (length $open_brackets != length $close_brackets)
2198 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2222 14 0 if ($tag_name ne '')
2224 0 14 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-handle-open-close-tag-' . $tag_name})
2227 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2257 0 3 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2259 0 0 if ($previous_input_text ne $input_text)
2284 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2306 0 27 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2311 0 27 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2330 8 19 if ($text_before_tag =~ /[^ ]/)
2332 8 0 if ($global_ignore_level <= 0)
2343 0 27 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-tag-named-' . $tag_name})
2345 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-tag-named-' . $tag_name} eq 'yes')
2347 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2361 0 27 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-replacement-name-for-tag-named-' . $tag_name})
2365 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2379 13 14 if ($possible_slash eq '/') { }
1 13 elsif ($may_include_closing_slash =~ m[/]) { }
2381 13 0 if (length $global_xml_accumulated_sequence_of_tag_names > 0)
2383 13 0 if ($global_xml_tag_at_level_number[$global_xml_level_number] eq $tag_name) { }
2386 0 13 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase})
2390 13 0 if ($global_ignore_level <= 0) { }
2394 0 13 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase}) { }
2411 11 2 if ($starting_position_of_last_tag_name > 0) { }
2421 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2435 0 1 if (length $global_xml_accumulated_sequence_of_tag_names > 0)
2438 0 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-if-no-tag-replacement'} and $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-if-no-tag-replacement'} eq 'yes' and not exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase})
2442 0 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase})
2446 0 0 if ($global_ignore_level <= 0) { }
2450 0 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase}) { }
2477 2 11 if (length $global_xml_accumulated_sequence_of_tag_names <= 0) { }
2479 2 0 if ($tag_name eq $first_tag_name) { }
0 0 elsif ($first_tag_name =~ /^ *$/) { }
2484 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2495 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2501 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2512 13 0 if (length $global_xml_accumulated_sequence_of_tag_names > 0)
2515 0 0 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-if-no-tag-replacement'} and $global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-yes-ignore-if-no-tag-replacement'} eq 'yes' and not exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase})
2519 0 13 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase})
2523 13 0 if ($global_ignore_level <= 0)
2527 0 13 if (exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$full_phrase}) { }
2564 0 3 if ($input_text =~ /^ *([^ ].*)$/)
2652 21 0 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
2672 0 21 if ($global_nesting_level_of_file_actions > 1)
2685 0 21 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-yes-or-no-export-delimited-definitions'} eq 'yes') { }
2708 1 20 if ($input_text =~ /^ *append-from-phrase-to-phrase +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
2 18 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *copy-from-phrase-append-to-file +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
0 18 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *expand-phrase-to-file +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
3 15 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *copy-from-file-to-phrase +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
3 12 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *create-empty-file +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
7 5 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *delete-file +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
1 4 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *write-all-dashrep-definitions-to-file +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
0 4 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *write-dashrep-definitions-listed-in-phrase-to-file +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
1 3 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *get-definitions-from-file +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
1 2 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *clear-all-dashrep-phrases *$/) { }
1 1 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *linewise-translate(()|(-parameters-only)|(-phrases-only)|(-special-phrases-only))-from-file-to-file +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
1 0 elsif ($input_text =~ /^ *linewise-translate-xml-tags-in-file-to-dashrep-phrases-in-file +([^ \[\]]+) +([^ \[\]]+) *$/) { }
2713 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2734 2 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>>' . $target_filename) { }
2741 2 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2744 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2750 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2773 0 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
2780 0 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2783 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-debug-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2789 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2795 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2812 3 0 if (open INFILE, '<' . $source_filename) { }
2819 3 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2830 0 3 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2836 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2858 3 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
2865 3 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2868 0 3 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2874 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2897 0 7 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2918 0 1 if ($#list_of_phrases < 0) { }
2920 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2926 1 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
2933 1 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2939 93 0 if (defined $phrase_name and $phrase_name =~ /[^ ]/ and exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$phrase_name})
2946 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2952 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2977 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
2983 0 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
2990 0 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
2996 0 0 if (defined $phrase_name and $phrase_name =~ /[^ ]/ and exists $global_dashrep_replacement{$phrase_name})
3003 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3009 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3026 1 0 if (open INFILE, '<' . $source_filename) { }
3031 0 0 if (-e $source_filename) { }
3039 1 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
3047 278 117 if (defined $input_line and $input_line =~ /[^ ]/)
3053 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3059 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3076 0 1 if ($tracking_on_or_off eq 'on')
3105 1 0 if (open INFILE, '<' . $source_filename) { }
3110 0 0 if (-e $source_filename) { }
3118 1 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
3125 1 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
3139 0 2 if ($input_line =~ /^ *dashrep-definitions-begin *$/) { }
3147 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /^ *dashrep-definitions-end *$/)
3151 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /[^ ]/ and defined $input_line)
3157 0 0 if ($all_lines =~ /[^ ]/)
3160 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $input_line =~ /[^ ]/)
3169 0 2 if ($qualifier eq '-parameters-only') { }
0 2 elsif ($qualifier eq '-phrases-only') { }
0 2 elsif ($qualifier eq '-special-phrases-only') { }
3183 1 0 if ($translation =~ /[^ ]/ and $global_ignore_level < 1 || $global_capture_level < 1)
3187 0 2 if ($global_top_line_count_for_insert_phrase == 1) { }
0 2 elsif ($global_top_line_count_for_insert_phrase == 2) { }
3193 0 0 if ($global_phrase_to_insert_after_next_top_level_line ne '')
3202 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3208 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3238 1 0 if (open INFILE, '<' . $source_filename) { }
3245 1 0 if (open OUTFILE, '>' . $target_filename) { }
3252 1 0 if ($possible_error_message eq '') { }
3260 0 2 if ($full_line ne '') { }
3271 0 2 if (length $open_brackets != length $close_brackets and $multi_line_count < $multi_line_limit)
3275 0 2 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-xml-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3285 0 1 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3296 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on')
3312 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-action-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $input_text =~ /[^ ]/)
3326 4 17 if ($possible_error_message =~ /[^ ]/)
3388 0 0 if (scalar @_ != 0)
3402 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $input_line =~ /[^ ]/)
3411 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /^ *dashrep-definitions-begin *$/) { }
3419 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /^ *dashrep-definitions-end *$/)
3423 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /[^ ]/ and defined $input_line)
3429 0 0 if ($all_lines =~ /[^ ]/)
3432 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $input_line =~ /[^ ]/)
3447 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $revised_text =~ /[^ ]/)
3452 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $after_possible_action =~ /^ *$/ and $revised_text =~ /[^ ]/)
3457 0 0 if ($global_dashrep_replacement{'dashrep-linewise-trace-on-or-off'} eq 'on' and $revised_text =~ /[^ ]/)
3513 0 0 if ($global_replacement_count_for_item_name{$item_name} > $highest_usage_counter)
3565 0 16 if ($text_string =~ /[\n\r]/)
3586 0 16 if ($text_string =~ /^[ ,]*$/) { }