Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 86 0.0

line true false branch
216 0 0 unless (defined $motor)
220 0 0 if ($value < 0)
225 0 0 $v4 > 255 ? :
228 0 0 $v3 > 255 ? :
231 0 0 $v2 > 255 ? :
270 0 0 if ($value > 2122448640)
289 0 0 unless (defined $mode)
292 0 0 unless ($mode =~ /ABS|abs|REL|rel/u)
297 0 0 unless (defined $speed)
300 0 0 if (not defined $position) { }
0 0 elsif (not $position =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/u) { }
313 0 0 if ($speed > $self->device_settings->{'speed_max'})
326 0 0 if ($mode eq 'ABS' or $mode eq 'abs' or $mode eq 'ABSOLUTE' or $mode eq 'absolute') { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'REL' or $mode eq 'rel' or $mode eq 'RELATIVE' or $mode eq 'relative') { }
330 0 0 if ($position < $self->device_settings->{'lower_limit'} or $position > $self->device_settings->{'upper_limit'})
345 0 0 if ($CP + $position < $self->device_settings->{'lower_limit'} or $CP + $position > $self->device_settings->{'upper_limit'})
380 0 0 if ($flag <= 1.1 and $flag >= 0.9) { }
0 0 elsif ($flag <= 0) { }
416 0 0 if ($self->read_motorinitdata)
422 0 0 if ($input =~ /YES|yes|Y|y/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($input =~ /NO|no|N|n/u) { }
466 0 0 if ($value eq 'REF' or $value eq 'ref') { }
0 0 elsif ($value =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/u and $value >= -180 and $value <= 180) { }
507 0 0 if ($lowerlimit < $upperlimit) { }
527 0 0 if ($input =~ /stop|STOP/u)
531 0 0 if (abs $self->get_position - $lowerlimit >= 10) { }
532 0 0 if ($lowerlimit <= 0) { }
563 0 0 if ($input =~ /stop|STOP/u)
567 0 0 if (abs $upperlimit - $self->get_position >= 10) { }
604 0 0 unless open my $handle, ">>", $self->device_settings->{'logpath'}
649 0 0 unless (defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache|request|fetch/u)
654 0 0 if ($read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'position'})
705 0 0 unless (open DUMP, "<" . $self->device_settings->{'inipath'})
711 0 0 if ($line[0] eq 'POSITION') { }
0 0 elsif ($line[0] eq 'TARGET') { }
0 0 elsif ($line[0] eq 'SPEED_MAX') { }
0 0 elsif ($line[0] eq 'UPPER_LIMIT') { }
0 0 elsif ($line[0] eq 'LOWER_LIMIT') { }
750 0 0 $Monat < 10 ? :
751 0 0 $Monatstag < 10 ? :
752 0 0 $Stunden < 10 ? :
753 0 0 $Minuten < 10 ? :
754 0 0 $Sekunden < 10 ? :