Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 219 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 0 0 0 $self->get_output == 1 and $value == 0
0 0 0 $self->get_output == 0 and $value == 1
114 0 0 0 defined $read_mode and $read_mode =~ /device|cache/u
118 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and defined $self->{'device_cache'}{'output'}
289 0 0 0 $range >= "-1.05" and $range <= "1.05"
305 0 0 0 $range >= -210 and $range <= 210
321 0 0 0 $range >= 0 and $range <= 210000000
345 0 0 0 defined $llimit and defined $ulimit
0 0 0 defined $llimit and defined $ulimit and $llimit <= $ulimit
382 0 0 0 not defined $complience and $function =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u
448 0 0 0 $function >= "0.01" and $function <= 1000
476 0 0 0 $nplc < "0.01" and $nplc > 1000
0 0 0 $nplc < "0.01" and $nplc > 1000 and not $nplc =~ /\b(MAX|max|MIN|min|DEF|def)\b/u
548 0 0 0 $count >= 1 and $count <= 100
549 0 0 0 defined $filter and $filter =~ /\b(REPEAT|REP|repeat|rep|MOVING|MOV|moving|mov)\b/u
641 0 0 0 not defined $range and $function =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u
653 0 0 0 $range >= "-1.05" and $range <= "1.05"
664 0 0 0 $range >= -210 and $range <= 210
704 0 0 0 not defined $value and $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u || $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u
0 0 0 not defined $value and $function >= -210
0 0 0 not defined $value and $function >= -210 and $function <= 210
727 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $value >= -210
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $value >= -210 and $value <= 210
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $value >= "-1.05"
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $value >= "-1.05" and $value <= "1.05"
779 0 0 0 $limit >= -210 and $limit <= 210
813 0 0 0 $delay >= 0 and $delay <= "999.9999"
954 0 0 0 defined $time and defined $rate
0 0 0 defined $rate and not defined $time
1369 0 0 0 not defined $start and $function >= -210
0 0 0 not defined $start and $function >= -210 and $function <= 210
1380 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $start < -1.05 || $start > 1.05
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $start < -210 || $start > 210
1415 0 0 0 not defined $stop and $function >= -210
0 0 0 not defined $stop and $function >= -210 and $function <= 210
1426 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $stop < -1.05 || $stop > 1.05
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $stop < -210 || $stop > 210
1461 0 0 0 not defined $step and $function >= -420
0 0 0 not defined $step and $function >= -420 and $function <= 420
1472 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $step < -2.1 || $step > 2.1
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $step < -420 || $step > 420
1509 0 0 0 $nop >= 1 and $nop <= 2500
1553 0 0 0 $nop >= 2 and $nop <= 2500
1644 0 0 0 $triggercount >= 1 and $triggercount <= 2500
1664 0 0 0 $triggerdelay >= 0 and $triggerdelay <= "999999.999"
1685 0 0 0 $timer >= 0 and $timer <= "999999.999"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
41 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
192 0 0 0 (my $length = @list) > 1 or $list =~ /\b(ALL|all)\b/u
382 0 0 0 defined $function || defined $complience
0 0 0 not defined $complience and $function =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u or $function =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def|AUTO|auto)\b/u
403 0 0 0 $complience < -210 or $complience > 210
411 0 0 0 $complience < "-1.05" or $complience > "1.05"
448 0 0 0 $function >= "0.01" and $function <= 1000 or $function =~ /\b(MAX|max|MIN|min|DEF|def)\b/u
544 0 0 0 defined $count or defined $filter
611 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u or $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u
613 0 0 0 $mode =~ /\b(FIXED|FIX|fixed|fix)\b/u or $mode =~ /\b(LIST|list)\b/u
0 0 0 $mode =~ /\b(FIXED|FIX|fixed|fix)\b/u or $mode =~ /\b(LIST|list)\b/u or $mode =~ /\b(SWEEP|SWE|sweep|swe)\b/u
641 0 0 0 defined $function || defined $range
0 0 0 not defined $range and $function =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u or $function =~ /\b(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def|AUTO|auto)\b/u
653 0 0 0 $range >= "-1.05" and $range <= "1.05" or $range eq "AUTO"
664 0 0 0 $range >= -210 and $range <= 210 or $range eq "AUTO"
704 0 0 0 defined $value || defined $function
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u || $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u
727 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u and $value >= -210 and $value <= 210 or $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u and $value >= "-1.05" and $value <= "1.05"
871 0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u or $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u
1380 0 0 0 $start < -1.05 || $start > 1.05
0 0 0 $start < -210 || $start > 210
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u or $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u
1426 0 0 0 $stop < -1.05 || $stop > 1.05
0 0 0 $stop < -210 || $stop > 210
0 0 0 $function =~ /\b(VOLTAGE|VOLT|voltage|volt)\b/u or $function =~ /\b(CURRENT|CURR|current|curr)\b/u
1472 0 0 0 $step < -2.1 || $step > 2.1
0 0 0 $step < -420 || $step > 420