Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 204 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
407 0 0 0 $zin ne "MIN" and $zin ne "MAX"
408 0 0 0 $zin > 40 and $zin < 60
485 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
518 0 0 0 $dc ne "MIN" and $dc ne "MAX"
554 0 0 0 $v ne "MIN" and $v ne "MAX"
664 0 0 0 $voff ne "MIN" and $voff ne "MAX"
704 0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and $#{$$self{"waveform"}{"user"};} >= 0
0 0 0 $read_mode eq "cache" and $#{$$self{"waveform"}{"user"};} >= 0 and not $self->{'config'}{'no_cache'}
757 0 0 0 exists $arg->{'waveform'} and ref $arg->{'waveform'} eq "ARRAY"
0 0 0 exists $arg->{'dac'} and ref $arg->{'dac'} eq "ARRAY"
776 0 0 0 defined $minv and $minv < $v
777 0 0 0 defined $maxv and $maxv > $v
779 0 0 0 $minv < -1 and $maxv > 1
957 0 0 0 not $got and $#w == 9
1083 0 0 0 $d ne "MIN" and $d ne "MAX"
1159 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1210 0 0 0 $d ne "MIN" and $d ne "MAX"
1285 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1375 0 0 0 $ph ne "MIN" and $ph ne "MAX"
1406 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1460 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1491 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1551 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1574 0 0 0 $f ne "MIN" and $f ne "MAX"
1627 0 0 0 $t ne "MIN" and $t ne "MAX"
1773 0 0 0 $u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma?($u)$/iu
0 0 0 $u =~ /A/iu and $str =~ /^ma$/iu
0 0 0 not $u =~ /(HZ|OHM)/iu and $str =~ /^ma($u)?$/iu

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
78 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
344 0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n > 3
357 0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n > 3
374 0 0 0 $n < 0 or $n > 3
489 0 0 0 $shape eq "RAMP" or $shape eq "TRI"
492 0 0 0 $f < "0.0001" or $f > $maxf
528 0 0 0 $dc < $dcmin or $dc > $dcmax
562 0 0 0 $u eq "VRMS" or $u eq "DBM"
568 0 0 0 $s eq "TRI" or $s eq "RAMP"
593 0 0 0 $vpp < $vmin or $vpp > $vmax
728 0 0 0 not $in =~ /^[a-z]\w+$/iu or length $in > 8
786 0 0 0 defined $fwfd or defined $dac
823 0 0 0 $npts < 8 or $npts > 16000
940 0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE" or $name eq "EXP_FALL"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE" or $name eq "EXP_FALL" or $name eq "CARDIAC"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE" or $name eq "EXP_FALL" or $name eq "CARDIAC" or $name eq "VOLATILE"
982 0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE" or $name eq "EXP_FALL"
0 0 0 $name eq "SINC" or $name eq "NEG_RAMP" or $name eq "EXP_RISE" or $name eq "EXP_FALL" or $name eq "CARDIAC"
1034 0 0 0 $in =~ /^NO/iu or $in =~ /^OF/iu
1085 0 0 0 $d < 0 or $d > 120
1160 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 20000
1214 0 0 0 $s eq "TRI" or $s eq "RAMP"
1217 0 0 0 $d < "0.01" or $d > $f
0 0 0 $d < "0.01" or $d > $f or $d + $f > $fmax
1286 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 10000
1324 0 0 0 $s eq "SIN" or $s eq "SQU"
0 0 0 $s eq "SIN" or $s eq "SQU" or $s eq "USER"
1342 0 0 0 $ncyc < $nmin or $ncyc > $nmax
1377 0 0 0 $ph < -360 or $ph > 360
1407 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 50000
1463 0 0 0 $s eq "TRI" or $s eq "RAMP"
1464 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > $fmax
1492 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 50000
1552 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 15000000
1575 0 0 0 $f < "0.01" or $f > 15000000
1628 0 0 0 $t < 1000 or $t > 500