Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 92 6.5

line true false branch
91 0 29 if (scpi_match($function, $keyword) == 0)
109 0 0 unless (scpi_match($function, $valid_functions))
128 0 0 if ($function =~ /([\w:]+)/u)
147 3 3 if (scpi_match($function, 'voltage[:dc]|voltage:ac')) { }
3 0 elsif (scpi_match($function, 'current[:dc]|current:ac')) { }
0 0 elsif (scpi_match($function, 'resistance|fresistance')) { }
148 0 3 if (abs $range > 1000)
153 0 3 if (abs $range > 3)
158 0 0 if ($range < 0 or $range > "1000000000")
177 0 0 unless (scpi_match($range, "min|max|def|auto"))
182 0 0 if (scpi_match($range, 'min|max|def') or $range =~ /\b\d+(e\d+|E\d+|exp\d+|EXP\d+)?\b/u) { }
0 0 elsif (scpi_match($range, 'auto')) { }
227 0 0 if ($nplc < 0.006 || $nplc > 100 and not $nplc =~ /^(min|max|def)$/u)
260 0 0 if ($resolution < "3e-07" * $range and not $resolution =~ /^(min|max|def)$/u)
291 0 0 if ($tc < 0.0001 || $tc > 1 and not $tc =~ /^(min|max|def)$/u)
320 0 0 if ($bw < 3 || $bw > 200 and not $bw =~ /^(min|max|def)$/u)
352 0 0 unless (defined $trigger)
355 0 0 unless (defined $range)
358 0 0 unless (defined $time)
369 0 0 if ($points > 0)
385 0 0 if ($function =~ /^(VOLTAGE|voltage|VOLT|volt|VOLTAGE:DC|voltage:dc|VOLT:DC|volt:dc)$/u)
393 0 0 if ($function =~ /^(CURRENT|current|CURR|curr|CURRENT:DC|current:dc|CURR:DC|curr:dc|VOLTAGE|voltage|VOLT|volt|VOLTAGE:DC|voltage:dc|VOLT:DC|volt:dc|RESISTANCE|resistance|RES|res|FRESISTANCE|fresistance|FRES|fres)$/u)
432 0 0 unless (defined $readings)
434 0 0 if ($readings >= 1 and $readings <= 50000) { }
0 0 elsif ($readings eq 'ALL' or $readings = 'all') { }
435 0 0 if ($readings > $self->query("SAMPLE:COUNT?"))
444 0 0 if (index($data, '+') == -1) { }
0 0 elsif (index($data, '-') == -1) { }
451 0 0 index($data, '-') < index($data, '+') ? :
457 0 0 if ($data != 0) { }
462 0 0 if ($readings == 1) { }
493 0 0 if ($self->active) { }
510 0 0 if ($status[5] == 1 and $status[10] == 0) { }
527 0 0 unless (defined $source)
534 0 0 if ($source =~ /^(IMM|imm|EXT|ext|BUS|bus|INT|int)$/u) { }
554 0 0 unless (defined $count)
561 0 0 if ($count >= 0 or $count <= 50000) { }
581 0 0 unless (defined $delay)
588 0 0 if ($delay =~ /^(min|max|def)$/iu or $delay >= 0 or $delay <= 3600) { }
0 0 elsif ($delay =~ /^(AUTO|auto)$/u) { }
611 0 0 if (not defined $count) { }
0 0 elsif ($count < 0 or $count >= 50000) { }
636 0 0 unless (defined $delay)
643 0 0 if ($delay =~ /^(MIN|min|MAX|max|DEF|def)$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($delay >= 0 or $delay <= 3600) { }
674 0 0 if ($text) { }