Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 56 58.9

line true false branch
45 6 19 if ($node->{'children'})
80 0 0 if ($node->{'type'} eq 'COMMAND') { }
0 0 elsif ($node->{'type'} eq 'GROUP') { }
0 0 elsif ($node->{'type'} eq 'ENVIRONMENT') { }
0 0 elsif ($node->{'type'} =~ /^(?:TEXT|COMMENT)$/) { }
83 0 0 $node->{'opts'} ? :
111 0 0 if $node->{'math'}
112 0 0 if $node->{'plaintext'}
117 0 0 if (defined $node->{'children'})
133 8 18 if ($node->{'type'} eq "TEXT" and $node->{'plaintext'})
137 12 26 if ($node->{'children'})
189 118 44 if ($node->{'type'} eq 'TEXT' or $node->{'type'} eq 'COMMENT') { }
2 42 elsif ($node->{'type'} eq 'GROUP') { }
23 19 elsif ($node->{'type'} eq 'COMMAND') { }
19 0 elsif ($node->{'type'} eq 'ENVIRONMENT') { }
201 13 10 if defined $node->{'opts'}
203 21 2 if ($node->{'position'} eq 'outer') { }
2 0 elsif ($node->{'position'} eq 'inner') { }
0 0 elsif ($node->{'braces'} == 0) { }
207 0 2 if (defined $parent and $parent->{'start'} == $node->{'start'} and $parent->{'end'} == $node->{'end'}) { }
223 0 19 if (defined $$MATHBRACKETS{$node->{'class'}}) { }
253 189 110 if $i > 0
254 189 110 if $i + 1 < scalar @{$tree->{'nodes'};}
261 84 215 if ($tree->{'nodes'}[$i]{'children'})
286 12 26 if ($node->{'children'})
299 0 35 unless (ref $condition eq "CODE")
310 8 85 if (&$condition($node))
314 29 64 if ($node->{'children'})