Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 52 76.9

line true false branch
49 0 29 unless defined $file
52 9 20 if (ref $file) { }
53 1 8 unless &blessed($file)
54 4 4 if ($file->can('path')) { }
2 2 elsif ($file->can('filename')) { }
72 10 18 if (exists $suffixEncoding{$_})
76 2 16 if (exists $suffixEncoding{lc $_})
82 14 2 if (exists $suffixType{$_})
86 0 2 if (exists $suffixType{lc $_})
94 14 14 unless (defined $ct)
96 12 2 if (defined $fullname) { }
97 8 4 -T $fullname ? :
104 1 27 if ($header)
106 1 0 if @encoding
109 14 14 wantarray ? :
114 1 0 if (not wantarray and @_ == 1 and not $_[0] =~ /\*/)
120 2 0 if (s/\*/.*/) { }
122 95 1671 if $type =~ /^$_$/i
128 0 0 if lc $type eq $ltype
132 2 0 wantarray ? :
152 2065 0 if @exts
174 1 0 if defined $ENV{'HOME'}
178 1 0 unless (@files)
184 10 3 unless open TYPE, $typefile
186 2373 2064 if /^\s*#/
187 0 2064 if /^\s*$/