Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 104 78.8

line true false branch
168 26 2 if ($self->dump_uri)
175 23 5 if ($req->method eq 'GET') { }
185 23 5 unless $req->content
199 21 2 if ($self->dump_status)
202 1 20 if ($self->dump_title and $ua->can("title") and $ua->title)
217 6 68 unless $self->dump_headers
219 3 65 unless ($self->pretty)
229 0 183 &any(sub {
241 3 30 unless $self->dump_params
246 26 4 if ($type eq 'GET') { }
3 1 elsif ($req->header('Content-Length')) { }
248 26 0 unless @params
262 1 2 unless (keys %params)
286 0 4 ref $params{$name} ? :
0 4 &any(sub {
300 2 19 unless $self->dump_cookies and $jar and XXX
302 17 2 if ($jar->isa('HTTP::Cookies')) { }
1 1 elsif ($jar->isa('HTTP::CookieJar')) { }
318 0 0 if ($val)
319 0 0 if $method eq "expires"
337 0 0 if ($val and $key =~ /expires|_time/)
355 50 0 $r->can('decoded_content') ? :
357 2 48 unless $content
360 0 48 unless $content_type
363 2 46 if ($type ne 'text' and &none(sub {
2 44 elsif ($self->content_pre_filter) { }
386 3 25 unless $self->dump_content
390 1 24 unless $content
392 1 23 unless ($self->pretty)
408 3 25 unless $self->dump_text
410 1 24 unless $content
417 16 8 if ($self->text_pre_filter and $r->isa("HTTP::Response"))
420 11 5 if $type
423 10 14 unless $content
425 1 13 unless ($self->pretty)
453 0 14 unless ($content_type)
459 0 14 unless ($subtype)
464 4 10 if ($subtype eq 'html') { }
0 10 elsif ($subtype eq 'xml') { }
4 6 elsif ($subtype eq 'json' or $subtype =~ /$json_regex/) { }
2 4 elsif ($type and $type eq 'application' and $subtype eq 'javascript') { }
1 3 elsif ($type and $type eq 'application' and $subtype eq 'x-www-form-urlencoded') { }
1 2 elsif (not $type or $type ne 'text') { }
469 0 4 unless $content
489 2 0 if (length $content > 253)
527 24 0 if ($@)
530 0 24 if exists $ENV{'COLUMNS'} and $ENV{'COLUMNS'} =~ /^\d+$/
533 24 0 unless $width and $width >= 80
542 2 105 unless $t->rows
543 2 103 if $preamble