Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 16 25.0

line true false branch
43 3 1 if ($self->expires_in / 2 < $early_refresh_time)
47 3 1 if ($expires_in < $early_refresh_time) { }
58 0 0 if ($self->{'refresh_token'}) { }
69 0 0 if ($other->{'refresh_token'})
79 0 0 if ($self->should_refresh($oauth2->{'early_refresh_time'} || 300) and $oauth2->can_refresh_tokens)
84 0 0 if ref $oauth2->access_token
87 0 0 if ($try_refresh and $oauth2->can_refresh_tokens)
90 0 0 if ($self->expires_in < $oauth2->access_token->expires_in)