Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 44 25.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 if ($val eq 'y') { }
0 0 elsif ($val eq 'n') { }
43 0 1 unless ok _require_app($what), "Found '${what}' installed."
50 1 0 if File::Which::which($app)
54 0 0 if (File::Which::which('yum'))
56 0 0 unless yn("It seems that you have 'yum'. Would you like me try to install '${app}' via yum?")
64 0 0 unless File::Which::which($app)
75 0 1 unless open FILE, '<', './Makefile.PL'
79 0 1 unless $txt =~ /PREREQ_PM\s*=>\s*({[^\}]+})/s
98 5 0 eval "require $name;" ? :
105 5 0 if (_havemod($mod)) { }
106 5 0 if ok 1, "Have module '${mod}'"
117 0 0 if (@missing and scalar @missing)
120 0 0 unless yn('Want me to call cpan to install these?')
125 0 0 unless ok _havemod($mod), "Found module: $mod."
135 0 1 unless ok $^O =~ /linux/, 'using Linux'
141 0 2 unless ok $who =~ /\broot\b/, 'installing as root'
147 0 1 unless defined $abs
148 0 1 unless ok -e $abs, "have conf file '${abs}'"
154 0 0 unless ok File::Which::which('mysql'), 'found mysql cli'
158 0 0 if (-e $mysqld) { }
160 0 0 unless ok $status =~ /is running/, "$mysqld status, is running"