Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 96 132 72.7

line true false branch
25 0 2 if ($] < 5.006)
36 16 16 if (@{$$self{'errors'};}) { }
62 1 125 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($schema, 'HASH'))
67 0 125 unless (defined $type)
71 1 124 unless ($self->can($type_check_method))
82 154 0 if (defined $$schema{$schema_key})
83 4 150 if ($schema_key eq 'pattern') { }
8 142 elsif ($schema_key eq 'length') { }
3 139 elsif ($schema_key eq 'enum') { }
8 131 elsif ($schema_key eq 'range') { }
0 131 elsif ($schema_key eq 'assert') { }
1 130 elsif (not $schema_key =~ /^(type|required|unique|name|classname|class|desc)$/) { }
85 1 3 unless ($data =~ qr/$pattern/)
89 1 7 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($$schema{'length'}, 'HASH'))
94 0 13 if ($sub_schema_key eq 'min') { }
6 7 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'min-ex') { }
2 5 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'max') { }
4 1 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'max-ex') { }
96 0 0 if ($length < $min)
101 1 5 if ($length <= $min)
106 1 1 if ($length > $max)
111 1 3 if ($length >= $max)
119 1 2 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($$schema{'enum'}, 'ARRAY'))
123 0 2 unless (exists $valid{$data})
127 1 7 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($$schema{'range'}, 'HASH'))
150 0 13 if ($sub_schema_key eq 'min') { }
6 7 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'min-ex') { }
2 5 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'max') { }
4 1 elsif ($sub_schema_key eq 'max-ex') { }
152 0 0 if (&$lt($data, $min))
157 1 5 if (&$le($data, $min))
162 1 1 if (&$gt($data, $max))
167 1 3 if (&$ge($data, $max))
185 3 13 if (not defined $data or ref $data)
186 2 1 defined $data ? :
193 2 50 if (not defined $data or ref $data or $data =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/)
194 2 1 defined $data ? :
201 2 6 unless ($data =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)
209 0 0 unless ($data =~ /^[+-]?\d+\.\d+$/)
217 0 0 unless ($data =~ /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/)
225 0 0 unless ($data =~ /^(yes|true|1|no|false|0)$/)
238 0 0 unless ($data =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/)
246 0 0 unless ($data =~ /^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/)
264 0 16 unless (exists $$schema{'sequence'})
268 0 16 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($sequence, 'ARRAY'))
271 0 16 if (@$sequence != 1)
274 0 16 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'ARRAY'))
279 0 16 if $$self{'done'}{overload::StrVal($data)}{overload::StrVal($schema)}
290 26 12 if ($unique)
291 2 24 if (exists $unique_val{$elem}) { }
304 12 13 if ($args and $$args{'unique_mapping_val'})
307 0 25 unless (exists $$schema{'mapping'})
311 0 25 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($mapping, 'HASH'))
314 0 25 unless (defined $data)
318 1 24 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'HASH'))
323 0 24 if $$self{'done'}{overload::StrVal($data)}{overload::StrVal($schema)}
335 0 60 if ($key eq '=')
341 0 60 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($subschema, 'HASH'))
345 12 48 unless (exists $$data{$key})
346 0 12 if ($required) { }
355 12 36 if ($unique)
356 2 10 if (defined $$unique_mapping_val{$$data{$key}}{'val'} and $$unique_mapping_val{$$data{$key}}{'val'} eq $$data{$key}) { }
375 0 48 unless ($seen_key{$key})
376 0 0 if ($default_key_schema) { }
401 98 48 !($root =~ m[/$]) ? :
412 36 88 if defined $val