Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 38 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
24 0 0 0 $ep->GetText eq '' and $ep->GetModify == 0
0 0 0 $file && -e $file
0 0 0 $ep->GetText eq '' and $ep->GetModify == 0 and not $file && -e $file
25 0 0 0 $$config{'into_only_empty_doc'} == 1 and $new_doc_nr == 1
43 0 0 0 -r $file and Kephra::App::EditPanel::is($ep)
89 0 0 0 $$config{'open'}{'only_text'} == 1 and -B $file
91 0 0 0 $$config{'open'}{'each_once'} == 1 and Kephra::Document::Data::file_already_open($file)
111 0 0 0 defined $file and -e $file
117 0 0 0 $$config{'open'}{'each_once'} == 1 and $other_nr > -1
124 0 0 0 $doc_nr > 0 and $doc_nr == $old_nr

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
122 0 0 _new_if_allowed('add') || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
25 0 0 0 $$config{'into_empty_doc'} == 1 or $$config{'into_only_empty_doc'} == 1 and $new_doc_nr == 1
41 0 0 0 shift() || Kephra::Document::Data::current_nr()