Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 41 61 67.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
58 268 0 1 exists $traits->{'rw'} and not exists $traits->{'ro'}
62 267 1 1 exists $traits->{'ro'} and not exists $traits->{'rw'}
66 269 0 0 exists $traits->{'copy'} and not exists $traits->{'alias'}
70 269 0 0 exists $traits->{'alias'} and not exists $traits->{'copy'}
123 131 2 60 $peek =~ /\A[^\W0-9]/u and not $peek =~ /\A(my|our)\b/u
290 0 0 193 defined $varname and not $traits{'ref_alias'}
0 171 22 defined $varname and not $traits{'ref_alias'} and $varname =~ /\A[\@\%]/u
331 186 7 0 $self->invocant and $self->slurpy
429 0 4 0 $sigil eq '$' and $type->coercion->can_be_inlined
499 12 0 13 $self->sigil eq '$' and $self->type
12 13 0 $self->sigil eq '$' and $self->type and do { require Types::Standard; $self->type->is_a_type_of(Types::Standard::HashRef()) }
608 84 4 0 $INC{'Mouse/'} && Mouse::Util::MOUSE_XS() && ($type->{'_is_core'} || $type->is_parameterized && $type->parent->{'_is_core'})
610 4 6 78 not $can_xs and $type->can_be_inlined

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
561 0 19 {'//=', 'defined', '||=', '!!', '=', 'exists'}->{$self->default_when} || 'exists'
585 13 138 {'//=', 'defined($_[%d])', '||=', '!!($_[%d])', '=', '($#_ >= %d)'}->{$self->default_when} || '($#_ >= %d)'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
72 160 353 0 $traits->{$_} or delete $traits->{$_}
212 155 12 10 $peek eq '$' or $peek eq '@'
167 10 0 $peek eq '$' or $peek eq '@' or $peek eq '%'
284 5 31 157 $traits{'optional'} //= $traits{'_optional'}
316 29 0 0 length $_ or croak("Bad name for parameter $name")
499 10 0 25 $self->sigil eq '%' or $self->sigil eq '$' and $self->type and do { require Types::Standard; $self->type->is_a_type_of(Types::Standard::HashRef()) }