Condition Coverage
Criterion Covered Total %
condition 3 35 8.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
374 0 0 0 $self and defined $line
667 0 0 0 $func =~ /_/ and $self->_is_java
816 0 0 0 $what eq 'java' and not $$self{'java'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
146 0 1 $attrs{'port'} || 2000
147 0 1 $attrs{'host'} || 'localhost'
148 0 1 $attrs{'event_port'} || 2001
731 0 0 $ret ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
500 0 0 0 /^true:b$/i or /^false:b$/i
0 0 0 /:char$/i or /:short$/
0 0 0 /:char$/i or /:short$/ or /:float$/
0 0 0 /:char$/i or /:short$/ or /:float$/ or /:double$/
0 0 0 /:char$/i or /:short$/ or /:float$/ or /:double$/ or /:byte$/
0 0 0 /:char$/i or /:short$/ or /:float$/ or /:double$/ or /:byte$/ or /:long$/