Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 48 62.5

line true false branch
138 0 32 if $] < "5.006"
854 0 25036 if (ref $_[0] ne "SCALAR")
857 0 25036 unless (exists $x{$OUTPUT_encoding})
860 0 25036 unless (exists $x{$INPUT_encoding})
866 22678 2358 if ($INPUT_encoding =~ /^(?:cp932x|cp932|cp932ibm|cp932nec|sjis2004|cp00930|keis78|keis83|keis90|jef|jef9p|jipsj|jipse|letsj)$/)
867 22645 33 if (defined $option->{'INPUT_LAYOUT'})
870 22645 0 if ($INPUT_LAYOUT =~ /^[SD]*$/) { }
881 22821 2482 if (defined $INPUT_LAYOUT) { }
888 25199 104 if (not defined $last_ctype or $ctype ne $last_ctype)
889 76 25123 if ($option->{'OUTPUT_SHIFTING'})
896 25303 0 if (defined $input_octets)
897 70 25233 if (defined $option->{'OVERRIDE_MAPPING'}{$input_octets}) { }
902 3600 21633 if (not defined $char) { }
208 21425 elsif ($char eq "\363\260\204\200") { }
903 25 3575 if (defined $option->{'GETA'}) { }
911 21 187 if (defined $option->{'SPACE'}) { }
920 79 21346 if (not defined $output_octets or $output_octets eq '') { }
921 77 2 if (defined $option->{'GETA'}) { }
947 0 0 if ($version ne $Jacode4e::VERSION)
956 0 0 if ($0 eq "/root/.cpan/build/Jacode4e-" and defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "--dumptable")
966 0 0 unless open FILE, ">$0-$Jacode4e::VERSION.TABLE.\U$encoding\E.txt"
976 0 0 if (grep((!/\343\200\200/), @line) >= 1)
990 0 0 unless open FILE, ">$0-$Jacode4e::VERSION.TABLE.CP932X.txt"
1005 0 0 if (grep((!/\343\200\200/), @line) >= 1)