Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 30 73.3

line true false branch
18 0 63 ref $_[0] ? :
31 0 79 unless ref $ref eq 'HASH'
32 0 79 unless exists $ref->{'$ref'}
35 4 26 if (not $ref_uri->scheme and $opts->{'base_uri'})
39 0 26 unless $ref_uri->scheme or $ref_uri->fragment or $ref_uri->as_string eq '#'
43 5 72 if (ref $ref_obj eq 'HASH' and exists $ref_obj->{'$ref'})
60 1 78 unless (ref $schema eq 'HASH')
64 0 78 if (exists $schema->{'$ref'} and $schema->{'$ref'} eq $normalized_uri)
68 69 9 if ($fragment)
72 1 68 if (my $e = $@) { }
0 68 elsif (not $schema) { }
80 0 77 unless (ref $schema eq 'HASH')
95 28 0 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH' and exists $_->{'$ref'} and not ref $_->{'$ref'} and keys %$_ == 1)
102 1 27 if $ref_uri->scheme
127 79 9 wantarray ? :