Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 62 82 75.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
254 46 0 2 $request and lc $request->method ne $method
272 12 2 2 exists $options->{'path_template'} and $options->{'path_template'} ne $path_template
276 12 0 2 $options->{'method'} and lc $options->{'method'} ne $method
278 2 8 2 $request and lc $request->method ne $method
299 152 2 9 not $path_template and $request
154 0 9 not $path_template and $request and my $uri_path = _request_uri($request)->path
302 9 0 0 exists $schema->{'servers'} and @{$schema->{'servers'}}
315 5 0 2 $options->{'path_captures'} and not is_equal($options->{'path_captures'}, \%path_captures)
332 48 100 4 exists $options->{'path_captures'} and not is_equal([sort(keys %{$$options{"path_captures"}})], [sort(@capture_names)])
356 6 90 2 exists $options->{'path_captures'} and not is_equal([map(($_ . ""), @$options->{'path_captures'}{@capture_names})], \@capture_values)
456 42 4 4 not defined $media_type and exists $content_obj->{'*/*'}
549 14 68 34 XXX and exists $schema->{'type'}
68 0 34 XXX and exists $schema->{'type'} and not XXX
68 18 16 XXX and exists $schema->{'type'} and not XXX and grep(($schema->{'type'} eq $_), ("number", "integer"))
18 0 16 XXX and exists $schema->{'type'} and not XXX and grep(($schema->{'type'} eq $_), ("number", "integer")) and &looks_like_number($data)
2 20 78 defined $data and not XXX

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
85 0 128 $options->{'errors'} //= []
178 0 43 $options->{'errors'} //= []
248 171 12 $options->{'errors'} //= []
390 1 40 $param_obj->{'allowReserved'} // 0
466 0 0 $content_obj->{$media_type}{'schema'}{'properties'} // {}
524 0 0 $state->{'annotations'} // []
597 25 2 $message->headers->content_type // ""
25 2 (split(/;/u, $message->headers->content_type // "", 2))[0] // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
455 40 2 8 &first(sub {
471 0 0 0 $content_type =~ m[^multipart/]u or $content_type eq "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
496 0 0 4 not defined $schema or XXX ? !keys(%$schema) : $schema
590 15 4 0 $message->content->headers->header($header_name) // ()
609 5 22 4 $message->headers->content_length // length ${$message->content_ref}
5 22 4 $message->headers->content_length // $message->body_size