Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 42 95.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
103 65 12 9 @valid > 1 and $state->{'short_circuit'}
238 33 4 26 $state->{'short_circuit'} and not exists $schema->{'additionalItems'}
370 69 17 43 $state->{'short_circuit'} and !exists $schema->{'maxContains'} || $state->{'_num_contains'} > $schema->{'maxContains'}
17 7 36 $state->{'short_circuit'} and !exists $schema->{'maxContains'} || $state->{'_num_contains'} > $schema->{'maxContains'} and $state->{'_num_contains'} >= ($schema->{'minContains'} // 1)
375 92 4 65 not $state->{'_num_contains'} and ($schema->{'minContains'} // 1) > 0
490 184 33 56 exists $schema->{'properties'} and exists $schema->{'properties'}{$property}
492 200 9 8 exists $schema->{'patternProperties'} and &any(sub {

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
196 0 152 $state->{'_last_items_index'} //= -1
370 16 27 $schema->{'minContains'} // 1
375 16 53 $schema->{'minContains'} // 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
127 24 25 10 $state->{'short_circuit'} || !$state->{'collect_annotations'}
140 66 6 8 exists $schema->{'then'} or exists $schema->{'else'}
6 0 8 exists $schema->{'then'} or exists $schema->{'else'} or $state->{'collect_annotations'}
144 35 27 10 $state->{'short_circuit'} || !$state->{'collect_annotations'}
370 36 7 17 !exists $schema->{'maxContains'} || $state->{'_num_contains'} > $schema->{'maxContains'}