Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 76 65.7

line true false branch
50 0 0 unless exists $$conf{$mutator}
96 66 3 unless exists $$conf{$mutator}
113 0 0 if $$conf{'utf8'}
143 0 0 unless exists $$conf{$mutator}
182 197 27 unless exists $$conf{$mutator}
201 0 0 if $$conf{'utf8'}
228 0 42 if ('json_xs' eq $key or 'json' eq $key)
240 12 44 if $testmod eq 'CPANEL'
241 12 32 if $testmod eq 'JSON'
250 13 22 if (eval "require $testmod; 1")
253 0 13 unless exists $conf{$key}
268 3 26 if not @order and $ENV{'JSON_ANY_ORDER'}
271 23 6 if (@order) { }
273 0 23 if ($handler and grep {"JSON::$_" eq $handler;} @deprecated)
275 0 0 unless @upgrade_to
282 1 5 unless ($handler)
284 0 1 if ($handler)
291 16 13 unless ($handler)
292 15 1 @order ? :
294 0 13 unless $decoder
295 0 13 unless $encoder
302 2 14 @list ? :
447 17 0 if (my $creator = $conf{$key}{'create_object'})
450 4 13 if ($ENV{'JSON_ANY_CONFIG'})
482 11 0 if (ref $self)
522 0 52 unless defined $obj
526 26 26 if (ref $self) { }
528 26 0 if (not ref $$self[1]) { }
529 0 26 unless exists $$self[0]
532 0 26 unless $method
543 24 26 ref $self ? :
2 12 if ref $self ? $$self[3] : $UTF8 and not utf8::is_utf8($json) and utf8::valid($json)
574 0 40 unless defined $obj
577 2 38 if ($obj =~ /^(true|false)$/)
581 17 21 if (ref $self)
583 17 0 if (not ref $$self[2]) { }
584 0 17 unless exists $$self[0]
587 0 17 unless $method