Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
71 0 0 &_ARRAY0($input_request) ? :
77 0 0 if (defined $copy->[2]) { }
91 0 0 if (ref $arg{$key} and ref $arg{$key} eq 'SCALAR' and not defined ${$arg{$key};})
107 0 0 if $ENV{'JMAP_TESTER_NO_WRAPPER'} and &_ARRAY0($input_request)
117 0 0 unless ($self->_cached_client)
145 0 0 $self->authorization ? :
158 0 0 if ($self->cache_connection)
176 0 0 if (defined $error)
184 0 0 if (&_HASH0($data)) { }
0 0 elsif (&_ARRAY0($data)) { }