Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 32 62.5

line true false branch
157 0 0 if (@args == 1 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH') { }
372 0 1 ref $args->{'data'} ? :
389 0 1 unless $response->is_success
455 1 2 if (@_)
458 1 2 unless (exists $self->{'maxResults'} and defined $self->{'maxResults'})
475 1 2 unless ($self->{'issue_types'})
484 2 1 if wantarray
538 1 2 unless ($self->{'project_list'})
562 1 2 if wantarray
598 0 1 if $self->obj_isa($proj, 'project')
602 0 1 unless exists $self->{'project_hash'}{$proj}
680 2 0 if ($self->_JIRA_REST_version_has_separate_path) { }
734 0 2 unless (defined $self->args->{'username'})
753 1 0 unless (defined $self->{'userobj'})
772 0 2 unless ($self->args->{'password'})
778 0 0 if (my $auth = $rest->{'_headers'}{'Authorization'})