Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 94 50.0

line true false branch
24 41 37 ref $self ? :
26 41 37 if (&blessed($self))
29 5 36 if $self->{'jira'}
31 0 0 if (not $args and $self->{'args'})
37 36 0 if ($args)
83 70 80 ref $self ? :
85 70 80 if (&blessed($self))
88 34 36 if ($self->{'factory'})
94 36 0 if ($args)
130 36 44 ref $self ? :
132 36 44 if (&blessed($self))
137 36 0 if $self->{'jira_rest'}
141 0 0 if $args
147 44 0 if (_JIRA_REST_version_has_named_parameters())
160 0 0 if $args->{'ssl_verify_none'}
162 0 0 unless ($args->{'username'} and $args->{'password'})
163 0 0 if (my $auth = $rest->{'_headers'}{'Authorization'})
213 1 1 unless &blessed($obj)
220 0 0 $self->obj_isa($user, 'user') ? :
225 0 0 $self->obj_isa($issue, 'issue') ? :
231 0 0 unless defined $link
234 0 0 $dir && $dir =~ /out(?:ward)?/x ? :
238 0 0 if ($self->obj_isa($link, 'linktype'))
266 0 0 if (@args) { }
272 0 0 ref $result ? :
316 70 22 unless (ref $thing)
322 5 17 if (my $class = &blessed($thing))
323 0 5 if ($class eq 'JSON::PP::Boolean')
324 0 0 $thing ? :
326 0 5 if ($class eq 'JSON')
329 0 5 if ($class eq 'REST::Client')
332 0 5 if ($class eq 'DateTime')
335 0 5 if ($top) { }
336 0 0 if (&reftype($thing) eq 'ARRAY')
340 0 0 if (&reftype($thing) eq 'HASH')
351 5 0 if ($thing->can($method))
355 5 0 if defined $value
365 0 0 $fallback ? :
369 0 17 if (ref $thing eq 'SCALAR') { }
2 15 elsif (ref $thing eq 'ARRAY') { }
15 0 elsif (ref $thing eq 'HASH') { }
421 42 8 if (@$in == 1 and ref $in->[0] and ref $in->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
430 1 41 if (keys %$in)
431 0 1 keys %$in == 1 ? :
439 6 2 if (@$in <= @args) { }
548 3 0 if exists $args->{$arg} and defined $args->{$arg} and length $args->{$arg}
593 1 1 @args ? :