Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 38 73.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
277 20 30 0 length $opts{'function'} && ($global->parse($opts{'function'}) || die())
373 103 0 1012 exists $$guts{'constructor'} and ref $$guts{'constructor'} eq 'CODE'
415 0 17 3 $return->can('primitive') && !$return->primitive
634 170 3 5 defined $args and not ref($args) =~ /^JE::(Null|Undefined| Object::Function::Arguments)\z/x
173 1 4 defined $args and not ref($args) =~ /^JE::(Null|Undefined| Object::Function::Arguments)\z/x and eval { do { $args->class } } ne 'Array'
779 35 0 4 exists $$self{-'dontdel'}{$varname} and $$self{-'dontdel'}{$varname}
867 14206 25 13 exists $$guts{'args_magic'} and exists $$guts{'args_magic'}{$name}
880 0 0 0 exists $$guts{'args_magic'} and exists $$guts{'args_magic'}{$name}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
401 82 1 $$guts{'func_name'} || 'The function'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
289 172 0 3609 $opts{'length'} || (ref $opts{'argnames'} eq 'ARRAY' ? scalar @{$opts{'argnames'};} : 0)
442 2 19 24053 not blessed $obj or ref $obj eq 'JE::Object::Function::Call'
21 4 24049 not blessed $obj or ref $obj eq 'JE::Object::Function::Call' or ref($obj) =~ /^JE::(?:Null|Undefined)\z/
643 4 0 0 eval { do { $args->class } } || eval { do { $args->typeof } } || ref $args