Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 20 30.0

line true false branch
336 0 8 unless exists $funcs{$name}
348 0 0 if (@_) { }
364 0 0 unless (exists $con{$name})
365 0 0 if (exists $func->{'constants'}{$name}{'default'}) { }
375 0 0 unless (@in == @{$func->{'inputs'};})
382 0 0 unless ($out)
401 1 1 if (ref $class and not $name) { }
406 0 1 unless $func = $funcs{$name}
413 0 2 if ($func->{'inputs'} and @{$func->{'inputs'};}) { }
423 2 0 if ($func->{'constants'} and keys %{$$func{'constants'};}) { }