Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 82 64.6

line true false branch
58 3 10250 if ($byte_offset == 255)
60 0 3 unless length $gif->{'buffer'} == 255
74 101 1 if ($gif->{'offset'} % 8)
77 102 0 if ($byte_offset)
90 0 102 $frameindex == 0 ? :
110 221356 11626 if ($child) { }
114 11626 0 if ($nkeys < 4096) { }
115 263 11363 if ($nkeys == 1 << $key_size)
142 163092 831004 if (vec($gif->{'frame'}, $k, 8) != vec($gif->{'back'}, $k, 8))
143 109 162983 if ($j < $left)
146 2152 160940 if ($j > $right)
149 100 162992 if ($i < $top)
152 4107 158985 if ($i > $bottom)
158 100 0 if ($left != $gif->{'w'} and $top != $gif->{'h'}) { }
176 102 0 if ($gif->{'transparent_index'} != -1)
183 102 0 if ($gif->{'transparent_index'} != -1)
210 2 0 if ($filename) { }
211 0 2 unless open $gif->{'fh'}, ">", $filename
223 2 0 if ($palette)
224 0 2 if ($depth < 0) { }
231 0 2 if ($depth < 0)
234 1 1 $depth > 1 ? :
236 2 0 if ($custom_gct) { }
244 2 0 if ($loop >= 0 and $loop <= 65535)
259 100 2 if ($has_new_frame)
266 650 993446 if (vec($gif->{'frame'}, $i * $gif->{'w'} + $j, 8) == $gif->{'transparent_index'} and vec($gif->{'back'}, $i * $gif->{'w'} + $j, 8) != $gif->{'transparent_index'})
270 0 650 if ($i < $y)
277 0 650 if ($j < $x)
284 0 650 if ($i >= $y + $gif->{'h'})
289 0 650 if ($j >= $x + $gif->{'w'})
301 51 51 if ($dm == 8)
318 100 2 if ($gif->{'has_unencoded_frame'})
324 2 100 if ($gif->{'nframes'} == 0) { }
0 100 elsif (not get_bbox($gif, \$w, \$h, \$x, \$y)) { }
335 0 102 if ($gif->{'transparent_index'} == -1) { }
336 0 0 if ($delay)
360 2 0 if ($gif->{'has_unencoded_frame'})
373 0 0 unless length($data) % $srcbitsperpixel == 0
415 0 2 unless $times == int $times and $times != 0
417 2 0 if ($times > 0) { }
426 0 0 unless $neww == int $neww and $newh == int $newh