Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 92 102 90.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
74 6 2 4 $x == $x1 || $x == $x2 and $y == $y1 || $y == $y2
135 0 244 13 defined $p and $p == 0
154 1024 3472 6494 exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y}
3472 6478 16 exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y} and $I->{$𝘅}{$y} == $p
0 4289 6685 exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆}
4289 6633 52 exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆} and $I->{$x}{$𝘆} == $p
832 3564 6526 exists $I->{$𝕩} and exists $I->{$𝕩}{$y}
3564 6418 108 exists $I->{$𝕩} and exists $I->{$𝕩}{$y} and $I->{$𝕩}{$y} == $p
0 4193 6621 exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝕪}
4193 6553 68 exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝕪} and $I->{$x}{$𝕪} == $p
198 88 35 118 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆}
35 68 50 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y}
68 7 43 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆}
7 7 36 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝕪}
7 7 29 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$y}
7 5 24 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$𝘆}
5 4 20 exists $p->{$x}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$x}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝘅}{$𝕪} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$y} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$𝘆} and exists $p->{$𝕩}{$𝕪}
245 134582 1105 1940 $x == $X and $y == $Y
318 0 0 192 $y < $Y and $x < $X
324 0 0 8 $x1 > 0 and $x2 < $X - 1
0 3 5 $x1 > 0 and $x2 < $X - 1 and $x2 - $x1 <= 10
325 1 2 3 $y1 > 0 and $y2 < $Y - 1
362 0 0 214 $y < $Y and $x < $X

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
30 1 3 11 not defined $x or length $line > $x
74 3 3 6 $x == $x1 || $x == $x2
2 2 2 $y == $y1 || $y == $y2
154 16 52 10922 exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y} and $I->{$𝘅}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆} and $I->{$x}{$𝘆} == $p
52 108 10814 exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y} and $I->{$𝘅}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆} and $I->{$x}{$𝘆} == $p or exists $I->{$𝕩} and exists $I->{$𝕩}{$y} and $I->{$𝕩}{$y} == $p
108 119 10695 exists $I->{$𝘅} and exists $I->{$𝘅}{$y} and $I->{$𝘅}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝘆} and $I->{$x}{$𝘆} == $p or exists $I->{$𝕩} and exists $I->{$𝕩}{$y} and $I->{$𝕩}{$y} == $p or exists $I->{$x} and exists $I->{$x}{$𝕪} and $I->{$x}{$𝕪} == $p
162 9 3 232 not defined $x1 or $x1 > $x
163 9 53 182 not defined $x2 or $x2 < $x
164 9 15 220 not defined $y1 or $y1 > $y
165 9 28 207 not defined $y2 or $y2 < $y
246 4 15 1921 not @longestLoop or @loop > @longestLoop