Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 86 19.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
267 0 0 0 $raf->Read($buff, 7) and $buff eq "Rar!\32\a\0"
286 0 0 0 $size >= 2147483648 and not $et->Options("LargeFileSupport")
291 0 0 0 $type == 117 and $size > 6
312 0 0 0 $docNum > 1 and not $et->Options("Duplicates")
329 0 0 1 $raf->Read($buff, 10) and $buff =~ /^\x1f\x8b\x08/
385 0 28 0 defined $com and length $com
410 0 0 5 $raf->Read($buff, 30) == 30 and $buff =~ /^PK\x03\x04/
417 0 0 5 eval { do { require Archive::Zip } } and eval { do { require IO::File } }
418 0 0 0 $et->{'FILE_EXT'} and $et->{'FILE_EXT'} ne "ZIP"
448 5 0 0 $status eq 4 and $raf->{'TESTED'} >= 0
5 0 0 $status eq 4 and $raf->{'TESTED'} >= 0 and eval { do { require IO::String } }
0 0 0 $status eq 4 and $raf->{'TESTED'} >= 0 and eval { do { require IO::String } } and $raf->Seek(0, 2)
0 0 0 $status eq 4 and $raf->{'TESTED'} >= 0 and eval { do { require IO::String } } and $raf->Seek(0, 2) and $raf->Tell < 100000000
468 0 5 0 defined $comment and length $comment
478 0 1 0 not $status and $buff =~ m[\sPartName\s*=\s*['"](?:/ppt/presentation.xml|/word/document.xml|/xl/workbook.xml)['"][^>]*\sContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1] || $buff =~ /]*\sPartName[^<]+\sContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1/ || $buff =~ /ContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1/
519 0 0 1 not $status and $mime =~ /([\x21-\xfe]+)/s
546 0 0 1 $meta and $mime ne "application/epub+zip"
615 1 0 0 $file eq "Index/Document.iwa" and not $iWorkType
620 0 0 0 $et->{'VALUE'}{'App'} and $et->{'VALUE'}{'App'} =~ /sketch/i
640 5 0 0 $docNum > 1 and not $et->Options("Duplicates")
691 0 0 0 $raf->Read($buff, 30) == 30 and $buff =~ /^PK\x03\x04/
694 0 0 0 $docNum > 1 and not $et->Options("Duplicates")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
309 0 0 $raf->Seek($size, 1) or last
522 1 0 $openDocType{$mime} || 'ZIP'
627 0 0 $et->{'FILE_EXT'} or ""
628 0 0 $type || 'PAGES'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
462 0 0 0 $err{$status} || "Error $status"
478 1 0 0 $buff =~ m[\sPartName\s*=\s*['"](?:/ppt/presentation.xml|/word/document.xml|/xl/workbook.xml)['"][^>]*\sContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1] || $buff =~ /]*\sPartName[^<]+\sContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1/ || $buff =~ /ContentType\s*=\s*(['"])([^"']+)\.main(\+xml)?\1/
491 1 0 4 $mime or @members
580 1 0 0 $openDocType{$mime} or $meta