Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 62 140 44.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
9475 0 0 5 not $lens =~ /x$/ and $lens =~ /(\d+)/
9498 12 0 48 $xres and $yres
9505 14 0 34 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0
14 0 34 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000
0 1 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000
1 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000
1 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000
0 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000 and $xres[1] >= 61
0 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000 and $xres[1] >= 61 and $xres[1] < 1500
0 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000 and $xres[1] >= 61 and $xres[1] < 1500 and $yres[1] >= 61
0 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000 and $xres[1] >= 61 and $xres[1] < 1500 and $yres[1] >= 61 and $yres[1] < 1000
0 0 33 $xres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $yres[0] % 1000 == 0 and $xres[0] >= 640000 and $yres[0] >= 480000 and $xres[0] < 10000000 and $yres[0] < 10000000 and $xres[1] >= 61 and $xres[1] < 1500 and $yres[1] >= 61 and $yres[1] < 1000 and $xres[1] != $yres[1]
9533 24 0 0 $lensModel and $lensModel =~ /\d/
9555 0 3 0 $sf and not $lf
9556 0 1 2 $sa and not $la
9596 1 0 0 @matches > 1 and $lensModel
1 0 0 @matches > 1 and $lensModel and $lensModel =~ /(\| [ACS])/
9620 0 0 24 $longFocal and $longFocal != $shortFocal
9667 0 0 45 $h1 and $w1
9675 0 0 45 $h2 and $w2
9698 0 0 4 $raf->Seek($offset, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 8) == 8
0 0 4 $raf->Seek($offset, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 8) == 8 and $buff =~ /^\xff{4}.\0\0/s
9725 0 0 0 $count and $count < 20
0 0 0 $count and $count < 20 and $raf->Read($buf2, $count * 32) == $count * 32
9762 8 0 4 $i == 2 and $len >= 4
9764 0 0 12 $len <= 65536 and $raf->Read($buf2, $len) == $len
9803 4 1 0 not defined $rtnVal and &Image::ExifTool::IsInt($val)
9862 4 0 860 $tagTablePtr->{$index} and $pos <= $size
10029 4 0 0 $et->Options('MakerNotes') || $et->{'REQ_TAG_LOOKUP'}{'makernotecanon'} and $dirInfo->{'DirLen'} > 8
10190 0 0 24 defined $dirData and length $dirData
0 3 21 defined $dirData and length $dirData and $dirInfo->{'Fixup'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
9779 0 0 $warn || 'Invalid original decision data'
9845 49 18 $dirInfo->{'Base'} || 0
9847 20 47 $dirInfo->{'DataPos'} || 0
9858 67 0 $tagTablePtr->{'FORMAT'} || 'int8u'
9881 797 0 &Image::ExifTool::FormatSize($format) || 1
10051 12 0 $dirInfo->{'DirStart'} || 0
10134 0 4 $dirInfo->{'DataPos'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
9532 0 24 6 $lensType eq -1 or $lensType eq 65535
9624 0 24 0 $lensType eq -1 or $lensType eq 65535
9670 0 0 45 abs $f1 - "1.33" < "0.01" or abs $f1 - "1.67" < "0.01"
9672 0 0 45 abs $f1 - "0.75" < "0.01" or abs $f1 - "0.6" < "0.01"
9708 0 0 4 $version == 1 or $version == 2
9810 41 0 0 $isoLookup{$val} || "Unknown ($val)"
9899 746 5 45 not $tagInfo->{'Unknown'} or $unknown
10029 0 0 4 $et->Options('MakerNotes') || $et->{'REQ_TAG_LOOKUP'}{'makernotecanon'}
10052 12 0 0 $dirInfo->{'DirLen'} || length($$dataPt) - $start
10060 0 0 16 $len < 8 or $pos + $len > $dirEnd
0 0 16 $len < 8 or $pos + $len > $dirEnd or not $tagTablePtr->{$tag}