Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 46 30.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1383 0 0 0 $tagTablePtr eq \%Image::ExifTool::FLIR::ParamInfo and $dat =~ /# (Generated) at (.*?)[\n\r]/
1392 0 0 0 $3 eq "unicode" and $val =~ /\\/
1477 0 0 1 $raf->Read($hdr, 64) == 64 and $hdr =~ /^([AF]FF)\0/
1500 0 1 1 $ver >= 100 and $ver < 200
1511 0 0 1 $raf->Seek($base + $pos) and $raf->Read($buff, $num * 32) == $num * 32
1555 3 1 0 $recType == 1 and $et->{'DOC_NUM'}
1 0 0 $recType == 1 and $et->{'DOC_NUM'} and $et->Options("ExtractEmbedded") < 2
1559 0 0 4 $raf->Seek($base + $recPos) and $raf->Read($rec, $recLen) == $recLen
1583 1 0 0 $dirInfo->{'RAF'} and $et->Options("ExtractEmbedded")
1 0 0 $dirInfo->{'RAF'} and $et->Options("ExtractEmbedded") and not $et->{'DOC_NUM'}
1604 0 0 1 $raf->Read($buff, 892) == 892 and $buff =~ /^FPF Public Image Format\0/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1372 0 0 $dirInfo->{'DirStart'} || 0
1413 0 1 $dirInfo->{'DirStart'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1424 1 0 0 $recLen < 40 or $pos + $recLen > $dirEnd
1450 0 0 0 $ch < 32 or $ch > 127
1470 0 1 0 $dirInfo->{'RAF'} || 'File::RandomAccess'->new($dirInfo->{'DataPt'})