Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 82 25.6

line true false branch
1333 1 0 if ($val =~ /^\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n/) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /^\xff\xd8\xff/) { }
0 0 elsif (length $val != $w * $h * 2) { }
0 0 elsif (&GetByteOrder() eq 'II') { }
1357 0 0 unless length $char == 4
1359 0 0 if $val < 128
1360 0 0 if $] >= "5.006001"
1375 0 0 if $dirLen < 12
1383 0 0 if ($tagTablePtr eq \%Image::ExifTool::FLIR::ParamInfo and $dat =~ /# (Generated) at (.*?)[\n\r]/)
1390 0 0 unless $dat =~ /.(\d+).(label|value|param) (unicode|text) "(.*)"/g
1392 0 0 if ($3 eq "unicode" and $val =~ /\\/)
1397 0 0 unless $tagTablePtr->{$tag}
1418 0 1 if $pos > $dirEnd
1419 1 0 if &Get16u($dataPt, $dirStart) >= 256
1422 0 1 if $pos + 2 > $dirEnd
1424 1 0 if $recLen < 40 or $pos + $recLen > $dirEnd
1432 0 0 if $tagTablePtr->{$tag}
1440 0 0 if $pos + 36 + $coordLen > $dirEnd
1450 0 0 if $ch < 32 or $ch > 127
1477 0 1 unless $raf->Read($hdr, 64) == 64 and $hdr =~ /^([AF]FF)\0/
1482 0 0 $type eq 'FFF' ? :
0 1 unless $tagTablePtr
1500 1 1 if $ver >= 100 and $ver < 200
1502 1 0 unless $i
1503 0 0 if $et->{'DOC_NUM'}
1511 0 1 unless ($raf->Seek($base + $pos) and $raf->Read($buff, $num * 32) == $num * 32)
1513 0 0 $et->{'DOC_NUM'} ? :
1516 0 1 unless ($tagTablePtr)
1544 10 4 if ($recType == 0)
1545 0 10 if $verbose
1552 0 4 if $verbose
1555 0 1 if ($recType == 1 and $et->{'DOC_NUM'} and $et->Options("ExtractEmbedded") < 2)
1556 0 0 unless $raf->Seek($base + $recPos + $recLen)
1559 0 4 unless ($raf->Seek($base + $recPos) and $raf->Read($rec, $recLen) == $recLen)
1560 0 0 if ($et->{'DOC_NUM'}) { }
1567 4 0 if ($tagTablePtr->{$recType}) { }
0 0 elsif ($verbose > 2) { }
1583 0 0 if ($dirInfo->{'RAF'} and $et->Options("ExtractEmbedded") and not $et->{'DOC_NUM'})
1586 0 0 unless &ProcessFLIR($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr)
1604 0 1 unless $raf->Read($buff, 892) == 892 and $buff =~ /^FPF Public Image Format\0/
1608 0 1 unless &Get32u(\$buff, 32) & 65535