Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 62 87.1

line true false branch
55 1 25 if (ref $class)
58 1 0 unless (defined $params{'-imager'})
67 22 4 unless (defined $params{'-imager'})
71 19 3 unless (defined $filename)
74 4 15 unless (defined $width)
75 4 15 unless (defined $height)
87 0 25 if ($want_load and defined $params{'-file'})
108 6 1027 if (my $tag = $attr_to_tag{$key})
113 1024 3 if (my $method = $attr_to_get_method{$key})
135 0 45 if (exists $param{$key})
141 25 20 if (my $i = delete $param{'-imager'})
146 11 34 if (exists $param{'-file_format'})
148 10 1 if (defined $format)
154 6 26 if (my $tag = $attr_to_tag{$key})
163 4 22 if (my $attribute = $attr_to_img_set{$key})
167 2 43 if (@set)
178 0 2 if (@_ == 1) { }
184 1 1 unless $i->read('file', $filename)
195 0 1 unless $i->read('fh', $fh)
202 12 0 if (@_ == 2) { }
215 2 10 unless $i->write('file', $filename, 'type', $type, 'jpegquality', $quality, 'tiff_jpegquality', $quality)
226 0 1 unless $i->write('fh', $fh, 'type', _imager_get_file_format($i))
235 42 2680 if (@_ == 4) { }
240 6 2674 unless (defined $cobj)
278 6 20 if (not $diam & 1 and $y2 - $y1 == $diam) { }
299 13 13 if ($fill) { }
318 6 7 $yeven ? :
4 9 $xeven ? :
6 7 $yeven ? :
4 9 $xeven ? :
0 13 $fill ? :