Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 30 0.0

line true false branch
37 0 0 if (ref $class)
41 0 0 unless (exists $params{'-gdkimage'})
75 0 0 if (my $method = $attr_to_get_method{$key})
87 0 0 if (defined(my $colormap = delete $$self{'-colormap'}))
100 0 0 unless ($x >= 0 and $y >= 0 and $x < $gdkimage->get_width and $y < $gdkimage->get_height)
108 0 0 if (@_ >= 4) { }
119 0 0 if (defined(my $pixel = $$self{'-colour_to_pixel'}))
122 0 0 if ($colour =~ /^\d+$/)
125 0 0 if ($colour eq 'set')
128 0 0 if ($colour eq 'clear')
133 0 0 if (my $colormap = $gdkimage->get_colormap)
144 0 0 if ($gdkimage->get_depth == 1)
145 0 0 if ($colour =~ /^#(000)+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($colour =~ /^#(FFF)+$/i) { }
157 0 0 if (my $colormap = $$self{'-gdkimage'}->get_colormap) { }