Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 24 37.5

line true false branch
35 0 1 unless my $in = $self->{'IMB_stdin'} = $args->{'stdin'}
36 0 1 unless &blessed($in) and $in->isa('IOMux::Handler::Write')
41 0 1 unless my $out = $self->{'IMB_stdout'} = $args->{'stdout'}
42 0 1 unless &blessed($out) and $out->isa('IOMux::Handler::Read')
46 0 1 if (my $err = $self->{'IMB_stderr'} = $args->{'stderr'})
47 0 0 unless &blessed($err) and $err->isa('IOMux::Handler::Read')
87 0 0 if (my $e = $self->{'IMB_stderr'})
88 0 0 if $fileno == $e->fileno
99 0 1 if (my $err = $self->{'IMB_stderr'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($cb) { }
104 1 0 if (my $out = $self->{'IMB_stdout'}) { }
108 1 0 if (my $in = $self->{'IMB_stdin'}) { }