Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 44 84.0

line true false branch
186 1 0 if $ERROR
209 1 0 if $ERROR
232 1 0 if $ERROR
255 1 0 if $ERROR
278 1 0 if $ERROR
301 1 0 if $ERROR
325 1 0 if $ERROR
390 112 5 if $instance
420 1 27 unless $capture_what >= 0
422 1 26 unless $capture_what <= 7
428 35 41 if ($capture_what & $capcon)
436 1 34 if (tied *$fh and not UNIVERSAL::isa(tied *$fh, 'IO::NestedCapture')) { }
27 7 elsif (not tied *$fh) { }
445 9 25 if ($pushed_fh = delete $$self{"${fh}_next"}) { }
451 8 1 if $next_reset
477 1 27 unless $uncapture_what > 0
479 1 26 unless $uncapture_what <= 7
486 36 38 if ($uncapture_what & $uncapcon)
491 2 34 unless defined $$self{"${fh}_current"} and @{$$self{"${fh}_current"};}
496 25 9 if pop @{$$self{"${fh}_current_reset"};}
498 27 7 unless (@{$$self{"${fh}_current"};})
517 8 1 unless ($$self{'STDIN_next'})