Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 36 69.4

line true false branch
87 0 22 if $constname eq 'constant'
89 0 22 if ($error)
122 0 2 if ($$self[3] < 0)
123 0 0 if ($! =~ /not implemented/) { }
139 6 3 if (@_)
142 3 3 if ($mask) { }
145 1 2 if (exists $$self[0]{$fd})
149 1 2 if epoll_ctl($$self[3], $op, $fd, $combined_mask) < 0
159 1 2 if (%{$$self[0]{$fd};}) { }
167 1 2 if epoll_ctl($$self[3], $op, $fd, $combined_mask) < 0
171 3 4 unless exists $$self[0]{$fd} and exists $$self[0]{$fd}{$io}
183 6 0 if $maxevents < 10
185 6 0 defined $timeout ? :
188 1 5 unless defined $ret
202 2 1 if (exists $$self[1]{$fd} and exists $$self[0]{$fd}{$io}) { }
220 3 0 unless @_
229 0 0 if $ev & $mask & $events
249 0 6 if (my($newmask) = @_) { }