Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 72 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
87 0 0 0 not ref $$handle_r and length $$handle_r
235 0 0 0 defined $length and $length < $real_length

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
59 0 0 0 tied *{$thing;} || defined CORE::fileno $thing
92 0 0 0 $mode eq '|-' or $mode eq '-|'
107 0 0 0 CORE::open($$handle_r, $mode, $expr, @list) || do { if ($mode eq '|-' or $mode eq '-|') { my $cmd = $expr; unless (@list) { ($cmd) = $cmd =~ /\A(\S+)/; } ; $NS->__THROW('Exec', 'path', $cmd, 'arguments', \@list); } ; if ('SCALAR' eq ref $expr) { $NS->__THROW('ScalarOpen'); } ; $NS->__THROW('FileOpen', 'mode', $mode, 'path', $expr) }
163 0 0 0 CORE::chroot $filename || do { $NS->__THROW('Chroot', 'filename', $filename) }
306 0 0 0 ($fh ? CORE::close $fh : CORE::close()) || do { $NS->__THROW('Close') }
318 0 0 0 CORE::seek($fh, $pos, $whence) || do { $NS->__THROW('FileSeek', 'whence', $whence, 'position', $pos) }
327 0 0 0 CORE::sysseek($fh, $pos, $whence) || do { $NS->__THROW('FileSeek', 'whence', $whence, 'position', $pos) }
336 0 0 0 CORE::truncate($fh_or_expr, $length) || do { $NS->__THROW('FileTruncate', 'length', $length) }
347 0 0 0 CORE::opendir($$dh_r, $dir) || do { $NS->__THROW('DirectoryOpen', 'path', $dir) }
356 0 0 0 CORE::rewinddir $dh || do { $NS->__THROW('DirectoryRewind') }
365 0 0 0 CORE::closedir $dh || do { $NS->__THROW('DirectoryClose') }
429 0 0 0 CORE::flock($fh, $operation) || do { $NS->__THROW('Flock', 'operation', $operation) }
451 0 0 0 CORE::chmod($mode, $target) || do { if (__is_a_fh($target)) { $NS->__THROW('Chmod', 'permissions', $mode); } ; $NS->__THROW('Chmod', 'permissions', $mode, 'path', $target) }
475 0 0 0 CORE::chown($uid, $gid, $target) || do { if (__is_a_fh($target)) { $NS->__THROW('Chown', 'uid', $uid, 'gid', $gid); } ; $NS->__THROW('Chown', 'uid', $uid, 'gid', $gid, 'path', $target) }
488 0 0 0 CORE::link($old, $new) || do { $NS->__THROW('Link', 'oldpath', $old, 'newpath', $new) }
497 0 0 0 CORE::symlink($old, $new) || do { $NS->__THROW('SymlinkCreate', 'oldpath', $old, 'newpath', $new) }
507 0 0 0 CORE::readlink $path || do { $NS->__THROW('SymlinkRead', 'path', $path) }
516 0 0 0 CORE::rename($old, $new) || do { $NS->__THROW('Rename', 'oldpath', $old, 'newpath', $new) }
539 0 0 0 CORE::unlink(@paths) || do { $NS->__THROW('Unlink', 'path', $paths[0]) }
580 0 0 0 CORE::rmdir $args[0] || do { $NS->__THROW('DirectoryDelete', 'path', $args[0]) }
621 0 0 0 CORE::pipe($$read_r, $$write_r) || do { $NS->__THROW('Pipe') }
636 0 0 0 CORE::binmode($fh_r, $layer) || do { $NS->__THROW('Binmode', 'layer', $layer) }