Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 175 0.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
45 1 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
77 0 0 0 @{$inv->[1];} == 2 and @{$inv->[2];} > 2
199 0 0 0 $in < $self->[2][0] and $self->[3][0] > 0
0 0 0 $in > $self->[2][0] and $self->[3][0] < 0
218 0 0 0 $in >= $self->[4][$i][0] and $in <= $self->[4][$i][1]
250 0 0 0 $in > $self->[2][-1] and $self->[3][-1] > 0
0 0 0 $in < $self->[2][-1] and $self->[3][-1] < 0
415 0 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
448 0 0 0 ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($_[0]) and 2 <= @{$_[0];}
483 0 0 0 ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($_[0]) and 2 <= @{$_[0];}
533 0 0 0 @{$$self[$i + 1];} > 1 and ($x0 = $$self[$i + 1][0]) != ($x1 = $$self[$i + 1][-1])
536 0 0 0 $i and defined $self->[0]{'hl_retention'}
553 0 0 0 @{$$self[$i + 1];} > 1 and $$self[$i + 1][0] != $$self[$i + 1][-1]
575 0 0 0 not ref $src and $src eq 'endpoints'
0 0 0 not ref $src and $src eq 'minmax'
614 0 0 0 4 == grep({&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_);} $x0, $x1, $y0, $y1) and $x0 != $x1
660 0 0 0 not $i and defined($val = $self->[0]{'hl_retention'})
668 0 0 0 $i and defined($val = $self->[0]{'hl_original'})
676 0 0 0 $i and defined($val = $self->[0]{'sh_original'})
769 0 0 0 $self->[0]{'type'} && $self->[0]{'type'} eq 'akima'
786 0 0 0 $n == int $n and $n >= 2
834 0 0 0 defined $p->[0] && !ref($p->[0])
1533 0 0 0 $i and $self->[3][$i] == 0
1582 0 0 0 abs $a < 1e-15 and abs $b < 1e-15
1753 0 0 0 abs $A < 5e-15 and abs $B < 5e-15
0 0 0 abs $A < 5e-15 and abs $B < 5e-15 and abs $C < 5e-15
0 0 0 abs $A < 5e-15 and abs $B < 5e-15
2093 0 0 0 ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($in) and 2 <= @{$in;}
0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($in) and $in == int $in
0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($in) and $in == int $in and $in > 0
2122 0 0 0 ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($out) and 2 <= @{$out;}
0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($out) and $out == int $out
0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($out) and $out == int $out and $out > 0
2162 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($damp) and $damp >= 0
2188 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($fix) && $fix >= -1 && $fix <= 1
2194 0 0 0 $pok and $fok
0 0 0 $pok and $fok and $fix < 0 || grep({$_ <= $limit;} monotonic($self, 'output'))
2205 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($fix) && $fix >= -1 && $fix <= 1
2211 0 0 0 $pok and $fok
0 0 0 $pok and $fok and $fix < 0 || grep({$_ >= $limit;} monotonic($self, 'output'))
2232 0 0 0 $n == int $n and $n >= 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
126 0 0 $self->[0]{'curv_points'} // 4096
2229 0 0 $self->[0]{'curv_points'} // 4096

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
199 0 0 0 $in < $self->[2][0] and $self->[3][0] > 0 or $in > $self->[2][0] and $self->[3][0] < 0
250 0 0 0 $in > $self->[2][-1] and $self->[3][-1] > 0 or $in < $self->[2][-1] and $self->[3][-1] < 0
324 0 0 0 not defined $self->[5] or $#{$$self[5];} != $#{$$self[2];}
451 0 0 0 @{$_[0];} == 2 or @{$_[0];} == @{$self->[2];}
486 0 0 0 @{$self->[1];} == 2 or @{$_[0];} == @{$self->[1];}
769 0 0 0 $flag or defined($self->[0]{'type'} && $self->[0]{'type'} eq 'akima')
925 0 0 0 not defined $self->[0]{'type'} or $self->[0]{'type'} eq 'natural'
1043 0 0 0 $s // $self->[1][$i + 1] - $self->[1][$i]
1114 0 0 0 not defined $self->[0]{'type'} or $self->[0]{'type'} eq 'natural'
1236 0 0 0 $s // $self->[1][$i + 1] - $self->[1][$i]
1833 0 0 0 $dscr > 0 or abs Im($sol) < 1e-15
1979 0 0 0 @new or $self->[2][$i] <= $hi
2059 0 0 0 @new or $self->[2][$i] >= $lo
2170 0 0 0 @{$self->[1];} == 2 or @{$self->[1];} == @{$self->[2];}
2194 0 0 0 $fix < 0 || grep({$_ <= $limit;} monotonic($self, 'output'))
2211 0 0 0 $fix < 0 || grep({$_ >= $limit;} monotonic($self, 'output'))