Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 33 57.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
29 120 0 2267 defined $order and $order ne ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
255 220 92 (shift())->[0]{'max_count'} || 9**9**9
779 274 0 $@ || die('Assertion failed: No exception pending')
795 666 0 $@ || die('Assertion failed: No exception pending')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 1408 2 0 $order{lc $order} || croak("Unknown order '${order}'")
37 2376 9 0 $Heap::Simple::Perl::used{$name} ||= _use($name)
51 2372 13 0 $Heap::Simple::Perl::used{$name} ||= _use($name)
139 1277 0 0 (shift())->[0]{'max_count'} || croak('undefined max_count')
259 90 0 90 (shift())->[0]{'dirty'} || (wantarray ? () : !1)
263 362 0 842 (shift())->[0]{'can_die'} || (wantarray ? () : !1)
779 0 274 0 $err ||= $@ || die('Assertion failed: No exception pending')
795 0 666 0 $err ||= $@ || die('Assertion failed: No exception pending')