Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 254 30.7

line true false branch
127 3 0 if $#_ > -1
147 4 8 if $proxy eq 'DIRECT'
151 8 0 if 'IO::Socket::INET'->new('PeerAddr', $host, 'PeerPort', $port, 'Proto', 'tcp')
168 3 0 exists $$self{'URL'} ? :
170 3 0 if (defined $url and $url ne '') { }
176 2 1 if (not $url =~ m[^[a-z]+://] and -e $url) { }
180 0 2 unless open $f, "<$url"
181 0 2 unless my $size = -s $url
182 0 2 unless $rsize = read($f, $function, $size) and $rsize == $size
184 0 2 unless close $f
190 1 0 if $port eq ''
196 0 1 unless defined $sock
208 0 1 if ($chunked == 1)
216 2 6 if (shExpMatch($url, '**'))
1 5 if (shExpMatch($url, '**/*'))
2 3 if (isInNet($host, '', ''))
219 0 3 if ($@)
226 0 0 if (exists $ENV{'http_proxy'})
231 0 0 if (exists $ENV{'https_proxy'})
236 0 0 if (exists $ENV{'ftp_proxy'})
241 0 0 if (defined $http_host and defined $http_port) { }
250 0 0 if ($@)
274 27 554 if $subpiece eq ''
275 2 552 if ($subpiece eq '=' and $variable =~ /^\w/)
278 331 223 unless $subpiece eq ' '
280 0 554 if $quoted == 0 and $subpiece eq '+'
282 40 514 if $subpiece eq "\n"
283 50 408 if $blockComment == 0 and $lineComment == 0 and $subpiece =~ /(\"|\')/
286 2 552 if ($quoted == 0 and $subpiece =~ m[/\*]) { }
7 545 elsif ($quoted == 0 and $subpiece =~ m[//]) { }
2 543 elsif ($blockComment == 1 and $subpiece =~ m[\*/]) { }
293 335 208 unless $blockComment == 1 or $lineComment == 1
307 3 393 if ($piece eq 'my($stub);')
310 6 0 if $vars{$var} == 2
316 67 445 if $subpiece eq ''
317 50 395 if $blockComment == 0 and $lineComment == 0 and $subpiece =~ /(\"|\')/
320 16 429 if $quoted == 0 and exists $vars{$subpiece}
335 25 2 if ($1) { }
336 0 25 unless $finalFunction =~ /(\A|[^\\])$1/gm
352 25 9 if ($1 eq q['] or $1 eq '"') { }
9 0 elsif ($3 or slide_lp_thru_rp($finalFunction)) { }
353 0 25 unless $finalFunction =~ /(\A|[^\\])$1/gm
357 3 6 if ($finalFunction =~ s/\G([^\x7B])/{$1/)
368 17 30 if ($1 eq '(') { }
9 21 elsif ($1 eq ')' and --$parenCt <= 0) { }
13 8 elsif ($1 eq '"' or $1 eq q[']) { }
374 0 13 unless $_[0] =~ /(\A|[^\\])$1/gm
381 3 3 if ($1 eq ';')
382 3 3 if (not $1 or $1 eq ';') { }
3 0 elsif ($1 eq '"' or $1 eq q[']) { }
387 0 3 unless $_[0] =~ /(\A|[^\\])$1/gm
452 3 5 unless (validIP($ipaddr))
454 0 3 unless ($ipaddr)
456 0 8 unless (validIP($pattern) and validIP($maskstr))
471 3 0 if ($ipad)
484 2 0 $ipad ? :
530 0 0 if $_[0] ne 'GMT'
532 0 0 if $_[0] eq 'GMT'
535 0 0 $gmt eq 'GMT' ? :
537 0 0 if ($wd2 eq '') { }
541 0 0 if ($wd{$wd1} < $wd{$wd2}) { }
566 0 0 if ($_[0] eq 'GMT') { }
0 0 elsif (exists $mon{$_[0]}) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[0] > 31) { }
581 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
582 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
583 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
585 0 0 if (exists $args{'day1'} and exists $args{'mon1'} and exists $args{'year1'} and exists $args{'day2'} and exists $args{'mon2'} and exists $args{'year2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'mon1'} and exists $args{'year1'} and exists $args{'mon2'} and exists $args{'year2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'day1'} and exists $args{'mon1'} and exists $args{'day2'} and exists $args{'mon2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'year1'} and exists $args{'year2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'mon1'} and exists $args{'mon2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'day1'} and exists $args{'day2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'year1'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'mon1'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'day1'}) { }
588 0 0 if ($args{'year1'} < $year and $args{'year2'} > $year) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year1'} == $year and $args{'mon1'} <= $mon) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year2'} == $year and $args{'mon2'} >= $mon) { }
599 0 0 if ($args{'year1'} < $year and $args{'year2'} > $year) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year1'} == $year and $args{'mon1'} < $mon) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year2'} == $year and $args{'mon2'} > $mon) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year1'} == $year and $args{'mon1'} == $mon and $args{'day1'} <= $mday) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'year2'} == $year and $args{'mon2'} == $mon and $args{'day2'} >= $mday) { }
615 0 0 if ($args{'mon1'} < $mon and $args{'mon2'} > $mon) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'mon1'} == $mon and $args{'day1'} <= $mday) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'mon2'} == $mon and $args{'day2'} >= $mday) { }
625 0 0 if $tyear == $year
630 0 0 if $tmon == $mon
635 0 0 if $tmday == $mday
639 0 0 $args{'year1'} == $year ? :
641 0 0 $args{'mon1'} == $mon ? :
643 0 0 $args{'day1'} == $mday ? :
659 0 0 if $_[$#_] eq 'GMT'
661 0 0 if ($#_ == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($#_ == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($#_ == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($#_ == 5) { }
680 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
681 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
682 0 0 exists $args{'gmt'} ? :
684 0 0 if (exists $args{'sec1'} and exists $args{'min1'} and exists $args{'hour1'} and exists $args{'sec2'} and exists $args{'min2'} and exists $args{'hour2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'min1'} and exists $args{'hour1'} and exists $args{'min2'} and exists $args{'hour2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'sec1'} and exists $args{'min1'} and exists $args{'sec2'} and exists $args{'min2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'hour1'} and exists $args{'hour2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'min1'} and exists $args{'min2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'sec1'} and exists $args{'sec2'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'hour1'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'min1'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $args{'sec1'}) { }
687 0 0 if ($args{'hour1'} < $hour and $args{'hour2'} > $hour) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour1'} == $hour and $args{'min1'} <= $min) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour2'} == $hour and $args{'min2'} >= $min) { }
698 0 0 if ($args{'hour1'} < $hour and $args{'hour2'} > $hour) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour1'} == $hour and $args{'min1'} < $min) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour2'} == $hour and $args{'min2'} > $min) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour1'} == $hour and $args{'min1'} == $min and $args{'sec1'} <= $sec) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'hour2'} == $hour and $args{'min2'} == $min and $args{'sec2'} >= $sec) { }
714 0 0 if ($args{'min1'} < $min and $args{'min2'} > $min) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'min1'} == $min and $args{'sec1'} <= $sec) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'min2'} == $min and $args{'sec2'} >= $sec) { }
724 0 0 if $thour == $hour
729 0 0 if $tmin == $min
734 0 0 if $tsec == $sec
738 0 0 $args{'hour1'} == $hour ? :
740 0 0 $args{'min1'} == $min ? :
742 0 0 $args{'sec1'} == $sec ? :