Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 20 55.0

line true false branch
21 142 9 if ($self->proxy->via and $via =~ s[HTTP/][])
31 76 75 if $message->isa('HTTP::Request') and $self->proxy->x_forwarded_for
46 164 1036 if ($h2h{lc $k})
50 143 1057 if ($k =~ /^Client-/)
63 0 151 if ($message->isa('HTTP::Request') and defined $headers->header('Max-Forwards'))
67 0 0 if ($max == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($method =~ /^(?:TRACE|OPTIONS)/) { }
69 0 0 if ($method eq 'TRACE') { }
0 0 elsif ($method eq 'OPTIONS') { }
93 4 147 if @{$self->proxy->{'body'}{'response'}{'filters'};}